Recommending Cyclomundo

topcattim Posts: 766
I've just read the Sports Tours thread, and wanted to post something very positive about my own experience with a different company, Cyclomundo.

I did a 7 night tour in the Alps, leading up to the Marmotte, with Cyclomundo a few weeks ago. I can’t sing their praises highly enough.

Transfer from the airport was easy and efficient, with Bruno (the head of the company) ready to meet me at the airport. Really friendly guy, knew the routes really well, and made me and my buddy feel very welcome.

There were 7 of us on the trip – one group of 4 Americans, me and my buddy Mark and another English rider. Bruno wasn’t able to guide the tour himself, but had arranged for a local guide John Goldsmith to take us. Bruno and John sat with us the first night and made sure we all felt welcome and knew what we were about to set off on. John was a superb guide, really knew the local roads and was able to recommend additional cols as necessary. He was a superb encourager and was massively responsible for the family feel of the trip.

There was a wide range of riding speeds on the trip, but John was able to make sure everybody felt included, and he made sure to meet us at strategic points. He supplied good local food for lunches, and his fluent French meant we were very well treated at the hotels. John ate with us in the evenings and at breakfast and made sure we knew the route profile for the day – we had 3 GPS to share amongst the group. Food was great at all the hotels, 3 course meals plus extra pasta. The hotels were 3 stars, local-feel hotels, rather than large formula type places. Each hotel was different, but they were all very comfortable.

We had a day off at the top of the Alpe before the Marmotte. Cyclomundo had a mechanic on hand to help prep the bikes (there had also been a mechanic available at the start to help fettle the bikes after their air transfers). There was a cyclomundo refreshment stop at the top of the Glandon, so we were able to avoid the bunfight at this first col.

Transfer back to the airport was great, at a reasonable time.

All in all, I can’t sing the praises of Cyclomundo high enough. I had thought this would be a once in a lifetime/decade trip, but I enjoyed it so much, I’m already thinking about next year.

So often we complain (rightly) about the service we receive, so I’m delighted to be able to do the opposite in this case.


  • popette
    popette Posts: 2,089
    yes, used them for an Etape package last year and they were excellent - Bruno emailed me quite a few times in the run up to it when he found out about my health problems. I used them again for entry only this time round as I felt confident enough to sort out my own accommodation. Would definitely use them in the future - they are less expensive than STI too. The rep I had dealings with was excellent - fluent french speaker, friendly and brought a fantastic picnic full of french delights. The food they were offering at the gite on Hautacam was good too.
  • TomF
    TomF Posts: 494
    I bought my entry only place on this year's Étape through them and, starting number aside (which is always a bit of a lottery anyway), found that to be a simple and straightforward experience.

    Ironically, I found on arrival in the Ibis in Orange for the night before the Étape, it was the hotel being used by Cyclomundo as a base for (some of) their Étape guests. They certainly appeared to be organised.

    So, can't recommend them unequivocally, because my experience is limited, but if I were organising a trip as described above (I'm not doing the Étape again. Ever), they would be first on my list of people to call.
  • Sparklehorse
    Sparklehorse Posts: 126
    My one and only Cyclomundo experience this year - agreed it was more than acceptable (some minor gripes).

    Manuel, our rep, was excellent in every respect.
  • AlunP
    AlunP Posts: 106
    I was in the Ibis with Cyclomundo.

    A couple of (minor) gripes eg the food in the Ibis was Uk standard rather than French! but all in all they were fine - and a whole lot better than some of the horror stories on this forum.
  • term1te
    term1te Posts: 1,462
    Finally got around to agreeing with Topcattim's posting on the Cyclomundo trip from Geneve to the Ale d'Huez. Can't really add anything to his praises. A great week made better by no hitches on the organisation and a great bunch of guys (and girls); Americans with a sense of humor, whatever next! Certainly the way to ride into form for the Marmotte. See the pics on the link below
  • pugwashcp
    pugwashcp Posts: 120
    Finally got around to agreeing with Topcattim's posting on the Cyclomundo trip from Geneve to the Ale d'Huez.

    Ale d'Huez!!.....Finally, I have the name for the cycle friendly pub in the Lakes I intend to open when I win the lottery.....must be my turn soon. :D
    He who dies with the most toys wins!