Bicycle Bormio

Slow Climber
Slow Climber Posts: 8
edited September 2009 in Tour & expedition
I am considering a bicycle vacation to Bormio, Italy in late June 2010. Does anyone have an experience bicycling in the area? I would enjoy hearing about your experiences. Second, I am considering staying at the Hotel Funivia which is one of the Italy Bike Hotels. I will rent a Pinearello from them to ride the Stelvio and other passes. Does anyone have any experience with the hotel? Thanks


  • mercsport
    mercsport Posts: 664
    Well , I thought I'd ridden most places in Italy , but - wouldn't you know it - never through Bormio . Still , as no one has yet replied to your specific question I will reply with a general observation .

    Have ridden the passes - Tonale and Mendola ( I think they're called ) between the Adamello and Stelvio lumps and the Majola pass down from Davos , NW of Bormio . It's great alpine country and in summer heaven on earth .
    Italy is super friendly for the cyclist without qualification . As a biking tramp , I have no first hand experience of course , but I've heard only good reports about the Bike Hotels . The Funivia I'd suppose to be at the base of a cable car station .

    Unless the weather is terminally dull it will be an exceptional cycling experience .
    "Lick My Decals Off, Baby"
  • CumbrianMan
    CumbrianMan Posts: 240
    Try this website, as the guy has ridden most places in Italy:-

    His name is Allan, and the photos on there are certainly inspiring !
    "There are no hills, there is no wind, I feel no pain !"

    "A bad day on the bike is always better than a good day in the office !"
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Yes, Allans a friend of mines and we actually did Bormio together...his website is can also read of my experiences here:- ... 325&page=1 ... 326&page=1

  • Thanks for the links. The photos are great. I am also going to check the hotel mentioned in one of the posts.
  • wakemalcolm
    wakemalcolm Posts: 825
    Make sure that you ride the road up to the Concano lake. Fantasic switchback road (although you might be bored of them by then).
    Cake is just weakness entering the body
  • Thanks. I found it on Google Earth. It looks stunning
  • Some great pictures and info there on the climbs around Bormio - really helpful too as I'm planning a trip out there sometime soon with friends. Loved the blog, Richyboy - that's added even more to growing excitement about the trip.
  • When do you plan to go? I am looking at next June and would enjoy being part of an informal group
  • We're going in three weeks, hopefully. Can't wait. :lol:
  • Next June for me. Let me know how the trip goes if you have ime to share a note when you return
  • mike ives
    mike ives Posts: 319
    Try the mortirolo from Mazzo; you will certainly know you have achieved something when you get to the top. Also, try to have a lokk at profiles and blogs etc.
    Enjoy your trip.
  • Thanks for the suggestion. I will take a look
  • Muzak
    Muzak Posts: 78
    hi, is it daft to attempt stelvio from prato with panniers carrying 10-15kg?
  • Muzak - not daft if you've got the gears and the fitness. It'll take a while but a granny gear (say 32 or 34x27) should be enough to see you through if you're reasonably strong. These things are all relative of course.....
  • I do not plan to carry anything other than food and drink so MAYBE I will make it. Thanks for the warning