Morton's Neuroma

drewfromrisca Posts: 1,165
edited June 2018 in The cake stop
Anybody on here suffer from one of these/know someone who suffers from one of these?

I have one on my foot and have suffered for almost 2 years. I'm not getting anywhere with healthcare system (been waiting to see podiatrist for 4 months for some orthapedic inserts to help) and I think the only way to get rid of the problem is getting it removed. I'm hearing (as always) differing reports on the merits of having surgery but I want to hear from people who have experience with these neuroma's.
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  • andyrr
    andyrr Posts: 1,824
    A google search turned up this old thread - I see no comment from anyone since the original and I'd appreciate feedback, if there is any on this.
    My wife has been diagnosed with 2 neoromas on her foot along with severe tendonitis (or tendonopathy I think)
    Very, very painful, after scans etc is now to see someone for, I guess, potential resolution, but the various reading, web searches etc indicate it isn't an easy fix and removal for likely route (?) with a fairly long period of enforced rest.
    Worrying thing is there are possible links with clots and she has this in her family history.
  • Bobbinogs
    Bobbinogs Posts: 4,841
    I had this problem a few years ago and had private surgery (through work) to 'fix' it. I say 'fix' because all they really do is cut the nerve so that you cannot feel the pain (there is no actual cure, afaik). My surgery went well but the recovery was a bit gash, mainly because the surgeon didn't give me the right advice (said I was ok to go back to work 3 days later and after a few weeks of that my wound got infected, etc., and took ages to heal properly). So, my humble advice would be plan for at least 2 weeks off work with no pressure on one's foot and be scrupulous about cleaning (lot's of germs on the sole of one's feet, etc.).

    Nowadays I am pretty much ok, can still feel a little lump where the neuroma was but it isn't painful. It certainly doesn't stop me doing anything that I want to (and can afford :wink: ).

    Would I do it again, possibly/probably, but it would have to be painful to start with and I would be much more careful about recovery.

    Now the not so good news. A colleague at work had a real nightmare. Had surgery like me but then had to have another round of corrective surgery afterwards. Pain is still bad but various other parts of his foot are now numb as well...and there is talk of more surgery required although my colleague is obviously resisting this and regrets ever having the first round. It appears that the surgeon who carried out the original surgery has had several claims of incompetence raised against him so this may have been a contributing factor.
  • andyrr
    andyrr Posts: 1,824
    Thanks for that - yes, it doesn't look like the removal, which I think will be the action taken for at least 1 of the 2 neoromas m wife is affected with, is a nice simple fix.
  • Dog Breath
    Dog Breath Posts: 314
    Yes, I get this in my left foot and have done for quite a long time. It's not too debilitating, just uncomfortable. I'm a runner and long distance walker (as well as cyclist) and it will normally rear it's ugly head when I've run about 7 miles. It feels like a numb pain in my forefoot and tingling/sharp pains going into my toes. I've often described it as feeling like someone has hold of my toes with a pair of pliers and is twisting them.

    I try and flex my toes which gives some relief, and after a few more miles it tends to dispappear. But it can come back later on. Sometimes, if I'm running off road, I can stand on a stone right where the point of the trouble is, and THAT does hurt.

    I've never had treatment. One of my running friends has also had this and he has had cortisone injections in his foot which he says gives him relief for about a year. I've thought about doing the same but I guess I would have to go private and no idea how much it would cost.

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  • d87heaven
    d87heaven Posts: 348
    Narrow shoes can be a big aggravator of Mortons neuroma,esp cramming your feet into high heels or narrow trainers/cycling shoes. Nice wide shoes to let the toes spread is what is needed. Take you inner sole out of your trainers and put it on the ground, then stand on it barefoot. Usually the foot spreads over the inner sole. If its being constantly irriatated then it will just get bigger and bigger. Ultrasound guided cortisone is a potential fix to let the nerve settle but you need to change the thing that caused the neuroma (ie shoes, muscle weakness, etc). Also foot strength and massage can help as further up the musculatory chain there may be problems. If you have it cut out it can grow back. There is also minimaly invasive cryosurgery available privately but I don't know how succesful it is.
    Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals! Except the weasel
  • I understand from a work colleague who had this that the cryosurgery approach is common and successful in the US but probably only available privately here. In her case however the neuroma was too large for cryosurgery and she had the open surgery approach - so far so good but the operation was fairly recent.
  • Edanan
    Edanan Posts: 3
    edited January 2019
    Yhank you for nice info!
  • Matthewfalle
    Matthewfalle Posts: 17,380
    Calpol rubbed in after exercise when the pores are open worked a treat for MF.
    Postby team47b » Sun Jun 28, 2015 11:53 am

    De Sisti wrote:
    This is one of the silliest threads I've come across. :lol:

    Recognition at last Matthew, well done!, a justified honour :D
    smithy21 wrote:

    He's right you know.