a 2 up tt?

love2ride Posts: 224
edited July 2009 in Amateur race
soon i am going to be taking part in a 2 up tt. we can both do solo times of 24 minutes on a rough course and were hoping to break 24 mins.
How often should we change the person working at the front? e.g 1 min 2 min?
are there any tips for the change over?


  • SBezza
    SBezza Posts: 2,173
    When I did a 3 up at the beginning of the year we were changing about every 30secs. If you both can do 24 mins solo, I would expect you to break 24 as a 2 up, as long as you pace it right, and don't drop one of you, especially up and down hills.

    For the changing, I would get the lead person to swing off to the right (always check for traffic before the manouver though), and the guy behind, should keep at the same pace, and the guy falling back should just ease off a touch, until he is behind. A shout of ON is advisable just so the lead guy knows he can either ease up slightly, or up the pace slightly.
  • bikeboy123
    bikeboy123 Posts: 63
    short changes will ork best...

    and dont whatever you do just go of to the right, it all depends where the winds is coming from to were you pull of, left or right...
  • love2ride
    love2ride Posts: 224
    which direction should you pull off depending on the wind direction
  • SBezza
    SBezza Posts: 2,173
    I would go with one direction to pull off, normally away from the kerb, it might not be the most efficient if the wind is coming from the right, but you will be on public roads, so less chance of an accident.

    If you pull off towards the kerb (wind is on your right), that means you have to ride further out in the road all of the time, and when pulling off if you are tired, there might be the chance you hit the kerb, or debris by the side of the road.

    You would generally pull off out of the wind I would imagine, and also ride sheltered not directly behind the rider in front, but off to one side. Now this is OK on a closed road, but I think it is a little bit of a risk on a busy road. Cars do get impatient behind cyclist that use up a fair chunk of the road racing.
  • BeaconRuth
    BeaconRuth Posts: 2,086
    SBezza wrote:
    You would generally pull off out of the wind I would imagine..........
    No. If you're pulling off then you're losing speed relative to the rest of your team, so you want to pull off into the wind. The guys moving up the line towards the front should be getting the best shelter. Think about the shape of an echelon and it's pretty obvious really.

  • SBezza
    SBezza Posts: 2,173
    Yes Ruth you are right, I got it around the wrong way :oops: . I personally would still go one side only especially if you have never done one, or practised a few times.
  • love2ride
    love2ride Posts: 224
    year, seeing as the course is on a fairly busy road and it very rarely a cross wind then we will probably just pull of to the right. how often?
  • jimycooper
    jimycooper Posts: 740
    depends how strong you are both feeling, if the other person is hurting a lot then the other one could do a longer pull...ect