New Club in Bristol?!

Sparklehorse Posts: 126
edited March 2010 in Road beginners

Having sniffed around the posteriors of Bristols' 2 well established CC's for a while, I have come to the conclusion that Bristol can amply sustain another club - one which is welcoming to beginners looking for social rides of 40-60 miles on the Bristol area.

I herewith formally announce the formation of Bristol's newest Cycling Club - 'The As Yet Unnamed Bristol Cycling Club (TAYUB cc). I have not decided on club colours and, as yet, have no affiliation to any official cycling body. Nor do I have a club HQ.

Club membership stands at one so far.

Any interest in formation of a (formal or informal) new club in the area?


  • Redsteveb
    Redsteveb Posts: 201
    Hi .. I'd be interested in this idea. I'm just starting out so not really into competing in any way, just looking to get better and enjoy my cycling at the same time.

    I know there are a few other Bristol based guys on the forum who may want to join in.



    I'll PM you with my e mail address.
  • FeynmanC
    FeynmanC Posts: 649
    Sounds like it might be fun, though i'm about 20 miles from Bristol itself.

    Certainly add me to any maillist as if the timings are right and I can get there I'd be up for it :D

    I've PM'ed you my email
  • Philby
    Philby Posts: 328
    Not been out with either of the Bristol road clubs, but generally do road rides with BADTri which cater for all levels. Also the Cheesy Riders which is largely a mountain-bike group has a growing number of roadies - and is very relaxed and sociable.
  • Sparklehorse
    Sparklehorse Posts: 126
    cool, thanks for the replies guys. I'll see what I can organise.

    I've no objections to joining an existing club. I just had a hunch there were loads of roadies in the area - many of whom relative beginners like myself - who were not affiliated and might make use of a new initiative. I see the benefits of riding in a group as helping my training and group riding in prep for sportives etc..aside from the social side and picking up mechanical tips etc...
  • I'm quite new to the area and looking to get back into cycling so may be up for it!
  • matt581
    matt581 Posts: 219
    I would be up for this. Sounds like a top idea. I'll PM youmy email addres
  • Sparklehorse
    Sparklehorse Posts: 126
    excellent. I have a couple others interested and I'll be in contact - been too busy at work to action this yet :(

    If anyone else wants to arrange an inaugural ride using this thread then go for it - I'm free evenings and Sunday 9th August aht the mo'.
  • Sounds a good Idea. I've PM'd you my E-mail Sparklehorse.

    Let me know when the first ride is :D
  • artyali
    artyali Posts: 1
    I am very interested in joining. I have been cycling for a while, but really want to improve my levels of fitness and would like to ride with a group. I'm amazed that Bristol-apparently a 'cycle city', has so few cycle clubs.
  • im up for it couldnt find a road club till now i will send u my email
  • You could quite possibly tempt me along too.
  • I've PM'd you as well :)
  • Ok - sorry all, I've left this far too late. In my defence, I've been busy drinking beer.

    Now that summer is over.... :roll: I could kick things off by suggesting a ride this Sunday? Looks cloudy (but dry). I quite often do a Bristol - Clevedon - Congresbury - Bristol loop.

    Wha's reckon?

    I'll email those who've sent me their addresses.

    Open to other suggestions.

    How about this as club jersey?: 0,,10794~5910178,00.gif[/url]
  • Sounds good and jersey looks good too
    glad i sent u my email when i did :D:D
  • got a couple of people who i think would be up for it
  • :D Well im up for it, just bought a oreba flech after many years off a bike so wann start with a lvl im comfortable with !, will u look in2 doing tt's as well ?? that interests me 2 ?

    Jon Bradley stoke/ bristol
  • I'm also up for this! Have Pm'd you my email address. I'm up for a ride this sunday (13th Sept) If anyone on here is interested.
    Road: Felt AR0, Di2
    Touring/commute: Dolan Multricross
    TT: PX Exocet Sold because it was like a sail in the wind (sh*t)
  • Hi guys. Getting quite into this now! Just been browsing around and have found a CC network (Clarion CC) Which has branches in each area of the country, they currently do not have a West Country Section. See the details here

    I feel this would be a good idea to take. We would have affiliation from the first day and advise would be readily available.

    Lets get this underway! (clarion or not) I just like the idea of helping to set up a new club :)
    Road: Felt AR0, Di2
    Touring/commute: Dolan Multricross
    TT: PX Exocet Sold because it was like a sail in the wind (sh*t)
  • I would be x8swift9x but don't get down to Bristol till monday! Are any of you guys going to head down to watch the tour. I'm planning to so would be cool if we could get a group of us and head down together. Although I understand most people will be at work :?
  • I'm planning on heading down with a friend to see stage 7, Yeovil. On Fri 18th Sept. Is that the stage you were planning on cycling to?
    Road: Felt AR0, Di2
    Touring/commute: Dolan Multricross
    TT: PX Exocet Sold because it was like a sail in the wind (sh*t)
  • Was thinking about stage six as it's a bit nearer and I wasn't sure about my navigation skills... But there's no reason why I can't make stage seven instead/as well as stage six :wink:

  • Was thinking about stage six as it's a bit nearer and I wasn't sure about my navigation skills... But there's no reason why I can't make stage seven instead/as well as stage six :wink:


    I see. Well your welcome to join us, as are others who would like to come along. Haven't looked into route/times yet but have plenty of time for that! PM me if your interested and we can arrange it.
    Road: Felt AR0, Di2
    Touring/commute: Dolan Multricross
    TT: PX Exocet Sold because it was like a sail in the wind (sh*t)
  • I'll be watching the Tour in Devon on Friday but will be there for a few days so can't share a lift I'm afraid.

    Re: New Club - we had an aborted attempt at a first ride (short notice etc...) this weekend; the weekend of 19th/20th Sept looking better.

    I'm building a list of email addresses but it might be easier to use a Yahoo group? (and ultimately a website of course if we're taking it seriously ;) )

    x8swift9x - Clarion idea is a good one, affiliation certainly wouldn't hurt. I don't want to take ownership of setting up a new club necessarily but just wanted to see if there was interest. If you've got any ideas then lets keep the thread going.

    Jon - hadn't even thought about TT's - not my expertise - but I'll take you on if you're game!
  • JesseD
    JesseD Posts: 1,961
    Count me in, where do you ride from?

    I live is Brislington so thats the Bath side of Bristol.
    Obsessed is a word used by the lazy to describe the dedicated!
  • Count me in for a ride on the 19th/20th. We need to get an email going!
    Road: Felt AR0, Di2
    Touring/commute: Dolan Multricross
    TT: PX Exocet Sold because it was like a sail in the wind (sh*t)
  • Sunday 20th would be good for me

    Going to London for TOB on Sat :D
  • I'm up for Sunday as well! :)
  • Sunday 20th works for me too...if I can get to the start place from W-s-M in time or meet you enroute.
  • jangle
    jangle Posts: 114
    I would like to come along on the 20th if that is still on.
  • Maybe we should organise a time and a place to meet? Any suggestions?