Saddle height - Goniometer

Wappygixer Posts: 1,396
edited July 2009 in Road beginners
I read an old cycling mag at work the other day (I don't buy them normally) and found an article on saddle height and different ways of calculating it.
The one which interested me was with the knee angle.
As I was curious, I went on to Ebay and found a company selling these Goniometers pretty cheap at around £6 delivered from the US.
I set about adjusting my saddle height and found that with this method may saddle lifted by about 15mm.I did lower it a little to around 10mm.
It felt quite comfy and didn't get any knee twinges.
I always used to use the old method of the the heal on the pedal with the cranks inline with the seat tube.
This is supposed to offer the best power delivery apparantly.