Bike Rage!!!

Tino4444 Posts: 281
edited August 2009 in Amateur race
Hi All,

Yesterday I was out on my bike and there is a section of road works coming off a round-a-bout with cones down the centre of the road making it diffucult to overtake. The section I refer to is approx 100 metres long and is within a 30 MPH speed limit.

I was pedaling along at around 22MPH on this section and felt a car really close to me on my right hand side. He then began to rev his engine loudly as if to say you are in my way peasant on a bike. When we got to the end of the works he looked across at me, shook his head and then sped off in his MX5.

I then gave him the middle finger (not sure if he was looking in his mirror but did it anyway) and then set off (TT speed) in the hope that there would be traffic just down the road and that he would be stationary.

I was going to calmly ask him what the emergency was back there and why did he shake his head at me. Am I riding illegally? is there a fault on my bike? or is it just the fact that you are sat in your sports car (that you look a T$*T in by the way) and just wanted to be off speeding putting everyone elses lives at risk.

Anyway I never found him and so my rage was left pent up in side me......God I hate it when that happens. :evil:

Rant over,

Speciallized Allez 09...great bike shame about the wheels!!


  • penugent
    penugent Posts: 913
    Content yourself with the knowledge that his brain is the size of the knob on his gear lever and his knob is the size of a spark plug :wink:
  • mattisard
    mattisard Posts: 12

    had a couple of thesemyself, especially people pulling out on roundabouts. One incident found the man who pulled out on me ended up with a scratch on his door, because he got to close. I'll never know if he knows it was me or ot, but i was content that day.

    One thing to remembr is : just be careful, we dont know wat mentalists are out there!?!?
  • andy_wrx
    andy_wrx Posts: 3,396
    A X5 is not a sportscar.

    If you speak to one of these people, refer to it as 'a people-carrier' : that should get him irate...
  • millymoose
    millymoose Posts: 117
    I think he was referring to a Mazda MX5 - in which case he must have been a hairdresser!
  • Tino4444
    Tino4444 Posts: 281
    millymoose wrote:
    I think he was referring to a Mazda MX5 - in which case he must have been a hairdresser!

    Yes it was a mazda MX5 aka the hair dressers car!

    The thing is, when someone comes past you in a car and shakes their head at you as if to say ''what an idiot what are you doing,'' you start to look around you wondering if you have accidentally done something silly like accidentally pulled onto a mototway on your bike!

    Then they just speed off!!

    Maybe a pellet gun is the answer, then next time a to$$er like that pulls up at the side of me and shakes his head, I will simply give him a sharp sting to the back of the head :twisted:

    hmmm if only I had it in me to do such a thing!!

    Speciallized Allez 09...great bike shame about the wheels!!
  • landofbo
    landofbo Posts: 21
    Should've given him the finger when he was alongside you :D
  • colmcq2
    colmcq2 Posts: 12
    saw a classic on the commute from work: car pulls out in front of cyclist, cyclist goes oi! driver then swerves into him a little, guy on bike goes mental, opens car door, spits in car then cycles off.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    I went out for a ride the other day, it was quite tiring but it was nice.
  • Homer J
    Homer J Posts: 920
    This amateur race thread is weird
  • My advice would be don't get involved. You have no idea who you are dealing with and what they are carrying. Ignoring them winds people them up just as well and if it is that bad then make it obvious you are taking their reg and follow that through by reporting them.