London to Paris Route & Tips

Rothar Deas
Rothar Deas Posts: 6
edited September 2009 in Tour & expedition

I and 6 others are attempting to do L2P mid October over 4 days.

This is something new for all of us so we are trying to pick out the best route etc, best towns to stay in etc. Websites to date seem to be for more pro-am cyclists rather than commuters like us.

Also wondering has anybody got any training tips, we are currenlty thinking we would need to averaging 100km per day.

Any help gratefully received.

Many thanks



  • timmyflash
    timmyflash Posts: 526
    Much in the same boat as me!

    Never done anything like it myself, just commute at the moment, but am doing London to Paris with a mate on August bank holiday weekend. Bought some Michelin Maps 1:200 000 and just came up with a route that was fairly flat and following as many 'scenic' routes as possible (these are marked with a green line next to them on the maps), and have plotted them on this website to check the gradients on the routes - looks ok!

    Let me know if you think my route is making any serious wrong turns: ... 9367068223 ... 6293319693

    From what i've read, cycling into Paris is a nightmare, so i picked Route 1 on this website: ... _Paris.htm

    Hope this helps
    Steel Blue Fixed - Orange Backpack Cover

    How do i get a link to a photo in here?!

  • Thanks timmy,

    this is great, had come across a much shorter alternative using the Newhaven - Dieppe ferry crossing bbut ferry timings in October not suitable.

    Your route looks spot on. We are aiming for a 4 day trip, averaging 65-75 miles a day, so will probably stay north of Amiens on first night in France. The final bit into Paris will be tricky but the route along the canal and cyycle paths should take a lot of the stress out of it.

    Training away, trying to get the body(ie legs and ass) cycling-fit for the trip, already have done a 65km cycle last Sunday, bit of an eye opener for a novice like myself. another one planned on Sunday, how are you managing with training etc??


  • timmyflash
    timmyflash Posts: 526
    Yep, i was looking at the Dieppe route and the Avenue Verte for an easy start to France, but ferry's were no good for me either...

    Not really doing any 'training' as such. But making sure i cycle to and from work (22 miles each way) at least a couple of times a week and try to get some long ones in on the weekend. My concern is more map reading skills and time rather than fitness. It's a long distance to cover each day, and i could really do with it not getting dark!

    Was given a bit of a confidence boost a couple of months back when i cycled on my tod down to Brighton. Was very slow, and was just enjoying the day and in no rush at all, but in terms of distance it was no bother.

    Really want to try one 100 mile ride before we go, just to see if we're biting off way more than we can chew and make appropriate changes to route if required. We have 4 days available, but would like to do it in 3.

    Total novice myself (just bought first bike since i was about 9 in Jan), but am happy to give you my oppinion of the route when i get back (Aug bank holiday weekend).

    If you can think of any top tips for another novice undertaking this ride - let me know!
    Steel Blue Fixed - Orange Backpack Cover

    How do i get a link to a photo in here?!

  • We have mixed group so using your route plan is Day1 - 127km to Calais. Day 2 - 110km to Aixi le Chateau, Day 3 - 120km to Mouy, the Day 4 - 96km to Paris. I think we on any one we can cover the distance but think cumulative effect will only tell on Day 3 & 4.

    I think if we do one may two weekends of similar trips that will stand us well. Plan to enjoy it aswell so this should also help.

    Think 100miles would be too much for us but let me know ho you get on. Planning a 100km this Ssunday, it will put an early end to my Saturday night!

    have a good weekend

  • Baybash
    Baybash Posts: 136
    We did London to Paris in May and it was much tougher than expected despite training rides of 45 miles every week. The London to Dover leg was real tough. Thought you might like to see our blog and video of the challenge....
  • mhuk
    mhuk Posts: 327
    It's not quite the same but there may be some useful info on

    Good luck :)
  • Thanks for the video Baybash, read the blog comments also, some good tips there also(panniers rather than backpack, GPS also).

    The temperatures and the Paris traffic seemed to big challenges, we plan to do some training beforehand to help us get the trip, trying not to underestimate the whole adventure. You don't happen to have the route, with stops that I could reference.

    Great video, liking the Rocky bit at the end!


  • Baybash
    Baybash Posts: 136
    I'm trying to find the routes that we used. I remember there was the original Macmillan charity route on the Routes & Riding section on this site. Just type in L2P and see what comes up.
  • brainsys
    brainsys Posts: 23
    Newhaven - Dieppe does make it a comfortable 3 day journey (av 50/60 miles/day) and good easy routes. But I do take your point about ferry crossings.

    I did the overnight ones. You can get a decent 4 hours sleep on the boat using seat cushions (as instructed by a kindly steward). In October it will not be light till late which is a real issue. However the French terminal is open but has no comfortable chairs or hot food. If you can spare space for taking something soft to put on the floor - it may be a way as it is impractical to book a Dieppe Hotel.

    On return you can rely on Dieppe bars to keep you pleasantly watered till around 1am - unlike Newhaven which is beyond the pits. However Newhaven terminal cafe that can welcome you back with a 'full english' and big mug of tea for £4.49. Recommended!

    Formule1 in Beauvais is also recommended. Cheap (35euro per twin room), bike friendly (took it to bed with me) and opposite a hypermarket with a good cyclist (re-)equipment section.
  • timmyflash


    How did you L2P trip go over the Bank Holiday wekeend ?

    Any tips ?

    Rothar Deas