First APR

slowclimb Posts: 34
edited July 2009 in Amateur race
Ive got my first ever APR tonight , what advice would anybody offer. I wont be off in the slowest bunch but not in the quickest either somewhere in the middle I would reckon.


  • Bronzie
    Bronzie Posts: 4,927
    Don't be tempted to go too hard early on and do more than your fair share of work in your group. That doesn't mean sit in and do nothing, but just keep an eye that you are not the "bunch engine" for your group.

    It's easy to get carried away when you are catching slower groups or the thought of the big guns catching you - but make sure you have something in reserve for when/if the faster guys catch you. Then it's just a case of trying to hang on to the finish and keep as much left in reserve as you can for the gallop.