Magnet for Mavic Ksyrium SL wheels
I'm currently having difficulty with my Sigma cycle computer. It is displaying the error message 'too many signals' and according to the manual I need to move the sensor and magnet down towards the hub. My problem is that the magnet that came with my Mavic Ksyriums, which is designed for bladed spokes, only goes down to the bit where the spoke starts to become wide and bladed. Shouldn't these magnets be usable on the whole length of the spoke? This is a real annoyance, as it is currently unreliable, and not being able to see your time in a time trial is a big hindrance. Any advice would be much appreciated.
they'll work with any magnet, you just need one suited to flat blades. i lost mine in italy and a local bike shop stuck another one on for me, worked fine, should be easily available on the web i'd have thought0
if you got a mavic magnet with the wheels then it will fit the wheels
if you look at it you wil notice that there are 2 ridges on each side of the central cutout
just take a knife and cut off what you is not needed0 -
Where I work we sell Sigma computers and normally when they tell you "to many signals" it can be because you have the fork sensor to close to the magnet or to far away.
I've never had to lower a sensor or manget down the fork, they work perfectly at the top.
If you press the little button on the fork sensor and spin the wheel it should light up, if this happens you should be OK.
One final thing that can cause it is a low battery, replace it with a new one and try again.
Do you have any other electronic devices on your bike with your computer?
I know high powered LED lights will knock out the signal.0