Lejog advice- Which month

bigal. Posts: 479
edited July 2009 in Tour & expedition
I am starting to plan a 7 day end to end attempt taking in Lizard Point & Dunnets Head and am looking for any thoughts or advice from either experienced Lejog cyclists or weather experts. I am thinking either May or August at the moment and of course in an ideal world want to have the best weather possible for the duration. Does anyone have advice based on historical weather data or from previous attempts about when is the best time.

I do realise that the weather is an unknown but going on prevoius years I feel that May has always been good.???

Suggestions or thoughts welcome.


  • priory
    priory Posts: 743
    this year and last year I spent a week in scotland in june. We had two days of following wind. So I don't think the expectation of sw or w wind is at all reliable.
    More important is the long hours of daylight and lighter traffic and more availability in the hostels and bandb's compared to july/august. The main roads in the highlands can get busy and they are often not wide enough for the traffic to pass you easily, sometimes even the a roads are single track and you have to move over forcars both ways. May would be fine.
    Raleigh Eclipse, , Dahon Jetstream XP, Raleigh Banana, Dawes super galaxy, Raleigh Clubman

    http://s189.photobucket.com/albums/z122 ... =slideshow
  • UKScooby
    UKScooby Posts: 41
    I'm looking at building up to the run next year. Weather can be so variable / unpredictable.

    For me its gonna be mid May when its hopefully a bit cooler and less sunny - but hopefully pleasant. Plus the mention of accommodation (rough camping ??) and midges.

    Plus, after that it gets busier at work for our financial year end. No two people are the same - its what suits you.