NEW to MTB not new to riding. need help

ILLEGAL Posts: 11
edited July 2009 in MTB beginners
so , im new to this who MTB/freeride thing and am looking to get started , i really cant find any info on the net but maybe im not looking in the right spot , ive been ridin freestyle BMX and flatland since i was way young , and gave it up a couple yrs back due to the fact i cant fit on 20 inch bikes all that well, and 21.5's arent that much better lol so anyway i found this vid on youtube after seeing something on Tv about Wistler Bc, and know im Fing hooked , i coud never do drops like that on a BMX , atleast not without cracking the frame or snapping pedals hell even giving the wheels the "taco effect" lol
so i guess my few ?'s r #1 what size bike should i get , im 6 ft 2 # 2 what is a good inexpensive bike to pick up that will hold up well, <cause im flat ass broke, or should i buy a frame and build my own ? # 3 WTF is up with the forks being so damn expensive ?
#4 what elese should i know b 4 i go and ride down the side of a fing mountain?
thanks a ton ,


    ILLEGAL Posts: 11
    really 6 ppl looked @ this and had NO advice , wow ........:(
  • dave_hill
    dave_hill Posts: 3,877
    Probably because this is an English language forum and nobody has clue what you are on about... :roll:
    Give a home to a retired Greyhound. Tia Greyhound Rescue
    Help for Heroes
    ILLEGAL Posts: 11
    Oh........ I didn't realize you guys were that anal about it. ........ :roll:
    Thanks for speaking for the site bro.
    (Note to the site) You guys should should stop this mad man, he's running people off.. :(
  • Phinx
    Phinx Posts: 297
    Well if you are 6.2 you should get a 20' - 21' frame, but you still should sit on a bike you are planning to buy because there still might be a different feel for the bikes even if the sizes are the same.

    I can't say much about which bike to choose. Try looking up all the reviews of the bikes on this website and see your price range.

    Those damn capitalists, making forks expensive...Down with the government

    What else should you know? If you are going down a side of a mountain, be smart enough to get all the armor you will need: helmets, knee and elbow guards and so on...

    That's pretty much all i can say. Maybe someone will add something.
    Giant Yukon FX3
  • RockingDad
    RockingDad Posts: 239
    ILLEGAL wrote:
    Oh........ I didn't realize you guys were that anal about it. ........ :roll:
    Thanks for speaking for the site bro.
    (Note to the site) You guys should should stop this mad man, he's running people off.. :(

    Easy Tiger :)

    Being fairly new to it all after a gap of many years my suggestion would be to definately get a copy of what mountain bike. I'm sticking with my old MTB for now but if I were going to buy a new one It is full of good advice with tests etc. There is some pretty good articles in there too (check out Supersonics column for real world advice).

    Mountain Biking UK in my opinion is for people with a good spec bike already and have some experience (although the beginners guide in the last two issues was good but can be found on the website now).


    2010 Carrera Fury
    1992 Raleigh Equipe
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    ILLEGAL wrote:
    really 6 ppl looked @ this and had NO advice , wow ........:(

    You having a laugh? 7 in the morning in the UK and you expect a reply within less than half an hour, and everyone who reads it to have an answer?!
  • dave_hill
    dave_hill Posts: 3,877
    ILLEGAL wrote:
    You guys should should stop this mad man, he's running people off.. :(

    sniff...that's the nicest thing anybody's ever said about me...I love you man!!!

    "Mad man" - classic!! :lol::lol: - I can see people leaving in droves right now... :roll:

    Seriously fella, if you want proper answers it does help if we can decipher your posts. And Super's right, I mean it is Sunday after all - people are either still in bed or out riding!!
    Give a home to a retired Greyhound. Tia Greyhound Rescue
    Help for Heroes
    ILLEGAL Posts: 11
    Ok. Im done with the internet fight. i just wanna learn what I need to get down with this new sport. Is this site UK basied? If so im sorry I didnt know , it was like 6 am here when I wrote this here. Im just used to faster form replys Sorry anymore info anyone?
    Is '09 MOSSO I-BAY a legit frame to buy ?
  • keirtristan
    keirtristan Posts: 296
    A bit of friendly advice:

    People on here are generally very helpful. I have certainly found nothing but good advice from patient and more importantly, passionate people.

    You can't expect an answer at all let alone after only 6 people have read it, bear in mind there are several thousands of people on here and not all of them will be able to help you. A gentle prompt if you're still getting no repsonse after a while is OK.

    Also, you need to structure your post much better, I have read your original post and don't really have any idea what you're actually asking. There are different types of riding and people will want to know what your focus will be. They will also need to know your budget, bikes vary wildly in price.

    Sizing is another thing, different bike manufacturers will have different geometries etc and that will mean one size from one manufacturer will be fine but the same size from another won't, as Phinx said you will need to try some out.

    Best bet is to advise what you're going to be doing on your bike, XC, Trail Centres, DH, FR? Then tell us your budget, I'm sure people will then start suggesting their faves. Then basically see what's stocked near yo uand get on a few and enjoy.

    Lastly, I think this site is generally UK biased in the sense that we know the UK market but the folks here are more than happy to help anyone, anywhere if they can.
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    ILLEGAL wrote:
    Ok. Im done with the internet fight. i just wanna learn what I need to get down with this new sport. Is this site UK basied? If so im sorry I didnt know , it was like 6 am here when I wrote this here. Im just used to faster form replys Sorry anymore info anyone?
    Is '09 MOSSO I-BAY a legit frame to buy ?

    Do you have any links to the bike/frame in question? It is not one I have heard of.
    ILLEGAL Posts: 11

    Do you have any links to the bike/frame in question? It is not one I have heard of.[/quote]
    Yes! these are the 2 frames im looking @ getting >>>> ... 7C294%3A50
    And then this one is the one im most interested in >>>> ... 7C294%3A50
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    The Mosso looks poor to me, and has an awful unadjustable shock.

    The Azonic is a classic hardnut frame, but much different to the first one. And will take different parts to build up.

    Wouldn't it be better to buy a fully built bike? What budget do you have/
    ILLEGAL Posts: 11
    Not a very large one , something around 8-9 hundred thats why I figured building one would be cheaper than the 2000$ and up completes i have found on the net . I have no problem buying used stuff and to be honest Id rather build my own but am more than open to any suggestions.
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    Building up from scratch invariably costs more, and you can run into compatibilty problems.

    You need to work out what type of bike you want - long travel full suspension that will be great going downhill, or maybe a hardnut hardtail that will cope with twists, turns and dirt jumps better.
    ILLEGAL Posts: 11
    yeah , this is confusing me :( I really just wanna go dow hill, and off crazy drops
    basicaly thats it >>>>> like this video , that type stuff and thanks for the help btw. <<< thats what got me hooked into MTB
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    If you wanna do that, you need a very sturdy and long travel bike, certainly not a hardtail!

    What do your local shops sell?
    ILLEGAL Posts: 11
    idk, the only local shop i know of, closed 2 yrs back and no one around this area seems to be into this type of riding, actually they all seem to make fun of the MTBrs
    around here it street riding ,Bmx, and flatland, or vert. So , im like a lost sheep looking for the heard
  • joshtp
    joshtp Posts: 3,966
    ok, firstly, no mater how good you were at BMX it will take years to get that anywhere near that good, where do you live? what is likely to be your main riding? you arnt likely to have a arizona style freeride paradise in you back garden. work out what you are ACTUALLY going to be doing. and buy a bike for it. i would say something like this: ... sp?eid=101
    that will take alot, maybe not what that vid shows, but im sorry, you arnt going to be doing that anytime soon if youv never mtb'd before, belive me, bmx is VERY different. you will have a huge range of skills you will have to learn, and for that reason i think you would be better of with something like this:
    its a bit more gentle, but will still take a hamering, and you can always get a big bike when you get good enough to use it.
    over all enjoy yourself, and welcome to this wonderful sport! but remember you (probalbly) arnt Thomas vahnderham
    I like bikes and stuff
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    I think it's also worth mentioning that if you're going for a freeride mountain bike, then ignore the whole 20-21" frame size. You need something with plenty of clearance.

    I haven't grown in the last several years, but every bike i have has got progressively smaller :lol:
  • xtreem
    xtreem Posts: 2,965
    I can't see the video. :(
    This video is not available in your country due to copyright restrictions.

    ILLEGAL, you're not from UK aren't you?
    ILLEGAL Posts: 11
    no, im not from the Uk from the U.s . West Virgina to be exact :( but there are a ton of mountains here like LOTS, i live on one
  • xtreem
    xtreem Posts: 2,965
    This bike looks decent, but available only in 15.5". ... ke+07.aspx
    or this one with a bit better components ... +2007.aspx

    And I think that's a damn good price.
    ILLEGAL Posts: 11
    yeah but shouldnt i stay away from 15.5 and 17.5 ?
  • xtreem
    xtreem Posts: 2,965
    Well 15.5" yes, but 17.5" is a good size.
    I'm 6ft (1") and I ride 16" hardtail. And I do a lot of XC riding.

    But if you do some XC with that bike then, not the right size probably.