
paula.ross Posts: 2
edited July 2009 in Pro race

I love them.......... don't you just love them.....

To be honest I tried to get away from my addiction.... I even sought professional help and stayed away from the bike scene for 14 weeks to see if it would kick my habit. My councellor said it was the only thing left I could try. Well try it I did and guess what.... well yes I am back, with a craving, hunger and desire for Panniers as bed as ever. Not sure what else I can try.

Its not even at the fitting stage although putting my key into those allen holes is half of the fun, no it is knowing as I am ripping up those country lanes that I am doing so with a set of the latest Gary Vougenaiscroix specials that starts to get my lycra expanding.

The storage capacity on these mothers has often kept me up until the early hours wondering how much more I can stuff deep nto my saddle bags.

I just think no one should contemplate setting out on a half decent cycle journey without a set of quality Panniers. I used to vex myself over their impact on handling capabilities but honestly there is no need :-) PANNIERS