Brice Feillu - or words to that effect

Birillo Posts: 417
edited July 2009 in Pro race
Harmon pronounces his name Brees (rhyming with "grease") Fay-yeh

Sherwen pronounces his name Brice (rhyming with "rice") Fay-loo.

Ligget is somewhere in between.

Kelly says Brees Failure.

Any French speakers out there who can confirm who is correct?


  • avoidingmyphd
    avoidingmyphd Posts: 1,154
    breece fayoo
  • avoidingmyphd
    avoidingmyphd Posts: 1,154
    edited July 2009
    oh, and it cuts both ways. the french commentators were laughing the other day about lance and levi joking that none of them can get levi's name right. throughout the conversation, none of them did!
  • JC.152
    JC.152 Posts: 645
    however you say it the french will be queing u to get him once agritubel goes next year
  • drenkrom
    drenkrom Posts: 1,062
    It should be "Breece Fey-yü". The U is pronounced in French with a sound not used in English, so it's pretty hard. It definitely should not be the "oo" sound (as in "you"). Sherwen has it all wrong. Harmon is pretty much as close as a native English-speaker will get.

    The French commentators can massacre Spanish names pretty well. Harmon is quite good on those, whatever Mrs. Wiggins may think. :wink:
  • takethehighroad
    takethehighroad Posts: 6,812
    drenkrom wrote:
    It should be "Breece Fey-yü". The U is pronounced in French with a sound not used in English, so it's pretty hard. It definitely should not be the "oo" sound (as in "you"). Sherwen has it all wrong. Harmon is pretty much as close as a native English-speaker will get.

    The French commentators can massacre Spanish names pretty well. Harmon is quite good on those, whatever Mrs. Wiggins may think. :wink:


    The best way to spell it phonetically would be Breece Fay-er.

    I love the French pronunciations, especially Levi Leipheimer, and when they pronounced it CaddlyVans instead of Cadel Evans
  • afx237vi
    afx237vi Posts: 12,630
    Hmm, even I'm not too sure on Cadel. "Caddle" or "Ca-Del"?
  • ACMadone
    ACMadone Posts: 300
    afx237vi wrote:
    Hmm, even I'm not too sure on Cadel. "Caddle" or "Ca-Del"?

    Just stick to cuddles, I think it suits him :)
  • Meds1962
    Meds1962 Posts: 391
    Excellent!! A thread about trying to pronounce the names of people that aren't English. Ecky thump.
    O na bawn i fel LA
  • timdanaher
    timdanaher Posts: 120
    Best French pronunciation: 'Leaky Gas' (for Liquigas).
  • Homer J
    Homer J Posts: 920
    Meds1962 wrote:
    Ecky thump.

    :lol::lol: Now i feel old...
  • hommelbier
    hommelbier Posts: 1,555
    JC.152 wrote:
    however you say it the french will be queing u to get him once agritubel goes next year

    Seems that brothers Brice and Romain will be signing with FDJ for two years
  • knedlicky
    knedlicky Posts: 3,097
    drenkrom wrote:
    The U is pronounced in French with a sound not used in English, so it's pretty hard. It definitely should not be the "oo" sound (as in "you"). Sherwen has it all wrong. ... Spanish names pretty well. Harmon is quite good on those
    Kirby and Harmon were discussing pronunciations today and I must congratulate them on avoiding saying Nibbley, as Liggett did several times the other day, and he wasn’t trying to be amusing. It was driving me mad! Today Liggett’s managed better so he must have been given some overnight training. Liggett still gets Kloeden and Annecy (in fact, anything French) wrong though.

    On the other hand, Harmon today gave a big explanation about how the Z in Spanish is pronounced ‘th’ to justify why he pronounces Martinez as Martineth. And then very soon afterwards pronounced Sanchez as Sanchez!
    One of the pair Harmon & Kirby (i forget which) then introduced an extra vowel in Contador’s first name. He was called Aliberto Contador!

    None of the lot of them have yet picked up on how Astana is correctly pronounced though - they should listen to Bruyneel.
  • Kléber
    Kléber Posts: 6,842
    It's Astan-a.

    But do you say Pa-riss or Paree for the capital of France? Milan or Milano? Munich or Muenchen? Do you roll the "r" and extended the "oe" in Andreas Kloeden. We're talking sports commentary, not a linguistics exam.
  • dulldave
    dulldave Posts: 949
    breece fayoo


    I have a cousin Brice. Not that this is interesting to anyone but me :D
    Scottish and British...and a bit French
  • paulcuthbert
    paulcuthbert Posts: 1,016
    oh, and it cuts both ways. the french commentators were laughing the other day about lance and levi joking that none of them can get levi's name right. throughout the conversation, none of them did!

    Anyone see the video where Lance was ripping Levi for the French calling him "Lehveye Leepheimer". Good stuff
  • avalon
    avalon Posts: 345
    oh, and it cuts both ways. the french commentators were laughing the other day about lance and levi joking that none of them can get levi's name right. throughout the conversation, none of them did!

    Anyone see the video where Lance was ripping Levi for the French calling him "Lehveye Leepheimer". Good stuff

    Are you for real or just here to take the p1ss?
  • paulcuthbert
    paulcuthbert Posts: 1,016
    avalon wrote:
    oh, and it cuts both ways. the french commentators were laughing the other day about lance and levi joking that none of them can get levi's name right. throughout the conversation, none of them did!

    Anyone see the video where Lance was ripping Levi for the French calling him "Lehveye Leepheimer". Good stuff

    Are you for real or just here to take the p1ss?

    How do you mean? I'm a fan of cycling, on a cycling forum. Where's the confusion?
  • ms_tree
    ms_tree Posts: 1,405
    I have picked Harmon up on this before and he has improved! However, Righi isn't pronounced as he does Reejee it's Reegee. Gh in Italian being 'hard'. I think Nibali is probably Neeebalee but I will check with my new Italian teacher next week. I in Italian is long ee as in bead.
    Bianchi = Beeankee!!! and not Bianchee
    and Gianni as in the charismatic Savio is Janni and not Jeanni! Incidentally did I see the sartorial one walking behind one the riders being interviewed I think yesterday?? Daniel do tell?
    'Google can bring back a hundred thousand answers. A librarian can bring you back the right one.'
    Neil Gaiman
  • avalon
    avalon Posts: 345
    "How do you mean? I'm a fan of cycling, on a cycling forum. Where's the confusion?"

    Sorry, I just have dfficulty accepting that people other than Sherwin take Larnce
    What do you think about him announcing His new team in the last week of Le Tour when he is ostensibly riding for Astana and his team mates?
  • ms_tree
    ms_tree Posts: 1,405
    avalon wrote:
    "What do you think about him announcing His new team in the last week of Le Tour when he is ostensibly riding for Astana and his team mates?

    He always has to take the attention away from everyone else. Last year he did it when he announced his comeback. His book shouldn't have been called 'It's all about the bike' but It's all about MEEE!
    'Google can bring back a hundred thousand answers. A librarian can bring you back the right one.'
    Neil Gaiman
  • paulcuthbert
    paulcuthbert Posts: 1,016
    Why would you not take Lance seriously? He's probably the most phenomenal athlete the world has ever seen, and is an inspiration to millions
  • avalon
    avalon Posts: 345
    Why would you not take Lance seriously? He's probably the most phenomenal athlete the world has ever seen, and is an inspiration to millions

    Oh I used to, but seem to have lost faith somewhere down the line. Can't imagine why. Perhaps I'm being a bit dopey. :wink:
  • paulcuthbert
    paulcuthbert Posts: 1,016
    avalon wrote:
    Why would you not take Lance seriously? He's probably the most phenomenal athlete the world has ever seen, and is an inspiration to millions

    Oh I used to, but seem to have lost faith somewhere down the line. Can't imagine why. Perhaps I'm being a bit dopey. :wink:

    I'll need proof before I believe anything. I'm just not as sceptical as everyone else here :)
  • Kléber
    Kléber Posts: 6,842
    Why would you not take Lance seriously? He's probably the most phenomenal athlete the world has ever seen, and is an inspiration to millions
    Oh yes! Also Paul Daniels is a master of magic, able to saw people in half and then put them back together again!
  • paulcuthbert
    paulcuthbert Posts: 1,016
    Kléber wrote:
    Why would you not take Lance seriously? He's probably the most phenomenal athlete the world has ever seen, and is an inspiration to millions
    Oh yes! Also Paul Daniels is a master of magic, able to saw people in half and then put them back together again!
    Good for him. What's that got to do with anything in cycling?

    Oh, and stop trying tp be a smart arse. It isn't working out for you
  • dulldave
    dulldave Posts: 949

    Oh, and stop trying tp be a smart ars*. It isn't working out for you

    It is working. I thought it was quite funny.
    Scottish and British...and a bit French
  • rokkala
    rokkala Posts: 649
    Oh good, another did he didnt he thread developing?
  • NoNotAgain
    NoNotAgain Posts: 91
    TimDanaher wrote:
    Best French pronunciation: 'Leaky Gas' (for Liquigas).
    And they're right this time. Since Liquigas is Italian, they'd pronounce it similary.
    1,000km+ a month, strictly road.
  • knedlicky
    knedlicky Posts: 3,097
    Kléber wrote:
    It's Astan-a.
    But do you say Pa-riss or Paree for the capital of France? Milan or Milano? Munich or Muenchen? Do you roll the "r" and extended the "oe" in Andreas Kloeden. We're talking sports commentary, not a linguistics exam.
    I know it’s not a linguistics exam, but it’s not that hard to get things right and it doesn’t require any special linguistic ability. You only need an ability to think, a degree of conscientiousness in your job, and the idea that it’s more respectful to both whoever you’re talking about and to your audience to get the pronunciation as correct as you can.
    Why accept a sloppiness in audio reporting, when most people wouldn’t like to see the same sloppiness in a written report on Internet or in a newspaper, i.e. regular misspellings of riders’ names and stage town names.

    The likes of Liggett and Harmon are paid well with lots of perks and spend weeks on half-holiday reporting on a sport they’d privately follow anyway. Okay, no different from the opportunties most other sports reporters also get. But for the benefits and privileges they get, I think they could do far better. Their pronunciation deficit is just one of several things I think could be improved.

    As for ‘Astana’, the different syllables are separate and, importantly, equally emphasised; none of this ‘more emphasis on the antipenultamite syllable’ business, so common in English but incorrect when applied to words in most other languages. It’s because of that English pronunciation ‘rule’, why UK TV commentators end up saying A-star-nuh, or similar.
    It’s As-ta-na, each syllable equally emphasised and wherein all the ‘a’ are open (so an ‘a’ like in ‘bath’ as said in northern England, not like the ‘a’ in the southern England pronunciation of ‘bath’).

    As for Klöden, his name is pronounced more like Kluhden than Kloden, as UK TV commentators tend to say.

    The examples you give of variations in how certain cities are named/pronounced in different countries I don’t think counts, as they are well established variations. You’re not going to change a Frenchman from calling London ‘Londres’, or an Italian from calling Munich ‘Monaco’ – yes, for Italians, there are two!

    Anyway, sorry to be so heavy: Let’s just hope Brartly Wigchens does well on the Fentousse.
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    knedlicky wrote:
    (so an ‘a’ like in ‘bath’ as said in northern England, not like the ‘a’ in the southern England pronunciation of ‘bath’).

    One word, one nation, two pronunciations. Which is right? Are you sure your's is? This kind of shows the problem.

    Harmon covered this today and he certainly seems to do his homework. Mostly by asking the riders. I presume he also talks to other journos and picks things up there. It's better than adhering to a rule book.

    I image Kloden* may sound different in different German accents - particularly Bavarian (just like bath).

    How should Franco-Irish Nicolas Roche's name be pronounced?

    Also some sounds are totally alien to English speakers. For example, Ole Gunner Solskjaer told commentators to keep using the totally inaccurate pronunciation they were using, as Brits could handle the real sounds.

    As for Astana - most of the team don't pronounce it properly.

    *I've missed off the umlaut because I'm real not that pedantic
    Twitter: @RichN95