Irchester Country Park on Sunday morning 19 July

Lauren79 Posts: 18
edited July 2009 in MTB rides
Hi all!

MBRFan and myself are going to Irchester Country Park next Sunday. Additional company welcome!

We wiill be there around 10.00ish. We are starting from Peterborough if you should need a lift.

Give us a shout if you would like to come along!


  • puddle-rider
    puddle-rider Posts: 295
    I hope Steve can remember the way around there cos I certainly have forgotten :lol:
    I'll have to check my diary but I think i'm free
  • BorisSpencer
    BorisSpencer Posts: 786
    I think I'm riding over with a couple of mates, should be dropping in by the steps about 10am.
    We'll probably bump in to you somewhere in the morning, but if you want any reminders I shall be carrying my phone.
    It's best to stick to groups of three or four whilst the park is full of public, otherwise people start moaning to the rangers about intimidating groups of bikers, but make sure everyone meets up for a tea at the van.
    Northwind wrote: It's like I covered it in superglue and rode it through ebay.
  • puddle-rider
    puddle-rider Posts: 295
    Hi Guys, well the diary is free for Sunday morning so no doubt i'll see you there.

    Thanks for the advice Carl, I've still got you number if we need it and if not no doubt we'll catch up with a tea and sticky bun.

  • Lauren79
    Lauren79 Posts: 18
    Great news!

    Glad you can make it Mike. Have you got an idea where best to meet up?
  • BorisSpencer
    BorisSpencer Posts: 786
    The other piece of advice I shall impart is to remember your tights.
    The nettles are high and attack with a vengeance.
    Northwind wrote: It's like I covered it in superglue and rode it through ebay.
  • puddle-rider
    puddle-rider Posts: 295
    The main car park which I believe is off Gypsy Lane seems to be best, Steve met myself and Carl there a few weeks ago if you are travelling with him.

    Carl, thanks for the advice, i'll have to dig out the lightweight tights I remmeber those nettles from last time, was smarting for days afterwards :cry:
  • puddle-rider
    puddle-rider Posts: 295
    Hi Carl,

    Quess it's very muddy and slippery over there? I'm running semi slicks on the HT should I bring the knobbly tyres?

  • BorisSpencer
    BorisSpencer Posts: 786
    I find pressures are more important than tread.
    Where it's muddy it's really thick gloopy clay, but a lot of it is on pine needles and fairly free draining. It's the rooty bits that are the main problem when wet, too high a pressure and you skate about all over the place.
    Northwind wrote: It's like I covered it in superglue and rode it through ebay.
  • puddle-rider
    puddle-rider Posts: 295
    No problem, I run quite low pressures normally any way.
  • Lauren79
    Lauren79 Posts: 18
    Hi Mike

    Looking forward to tomorrow. Am travelling with Steve and will meet you at the car park at 10.00!
  • BorisSpencer
    BorisSpencer Posts: 786
    Well my riding buddies have cried off, so plans they are a changing.
    I might end up over there with my son, so if you see an old bloke being shown up by a seven year old give him a nod.
    Northwind wrote: It's like I covered it in superglue and rode it through ebay.
  • mbrfan
    mbrfan Posts: 239
    Hi Carl,

    Well, we certainly found most of the trails you showed us previously, and perhaps a few more by mistake. 2 hours of fun, the going was reasonably dry and the rain stayed off until we'd got down to the tea stop. There were a few bikes out and no clashes with the dog walkers. Still bottled it on that steep drop though. Maybe next time.

  • BorisSpencer
    BorisSpencer Posts: 786
    Glad you had some fun. I got there early afternoon with son and brother inlaw.
    Catch up with you guys sometime in the future.
    Northwind wrote: It's like I covered it in superglue and rode it through ebay.
  • puddle-rider
    puddle-rider Posts: 295
    Thumbs up for Steve and his memory, excellent job of trail guide!

    I have a few weekends free in September when i'll be returning to the Long Mynd for a full days riding + pub stop of course, would be great if you could join me, probably be a Saturday but i'll post some dates in the next few days.

  • There are some good trails there just gota find them, i ride there oocasionally but decided to go chicksands instead.

    Sadly they have got rid of half the freeride stuff only 2 runs now :(

    Altho had a good laugh on the 4x and specially the dual slalom
  • Secla
    Secla Posts: 71
    dont suppose anyone has a map of the country park with some good trails marked on, i live nearby and have always found the place to be a bit of a maze so some pointers would be nice
  • BorisSpencer
    BorisSpencer Posts: 786
    I'll be there on Sunday morning, probably about 10ish, if you want to meet. I'll PM you a Google Map this evening with some of our trails on it, although to be honest, even with a map, some prior knowledge of where to look is pretty essential.
    Northwind wrote: It's like I covered it in superglue and rode it through ebay.
  • Secla
    Secla Posts: 71
    i used to live in irchester so know the park pretty well just not specific parts that are good for biking. do the park ranger guys frown upon people using the quarry area for a bit of freeride ?
  • BorisSpencer
    BorisSpencer Posts: 786
    I've never taken the bike into the main quarry bit.
    I have a nice loop through various sections of the trees all linked up it's about 3 miles, I consider it a bit technical XC.
    There's also the big rolling terrain either side of the Railway Gulley.
    As for rangers they pretty much leave us alone, we try and be courteous to everyone we meet (yes even the dog walkers) so as not to give anyone a reason to complain about us. On a hot bank holiday it's best just not to go, but on a dull, rainy Sunday when the place is quiet it's just perfect.
    Northwind wrote: It's like I covered it in superglue and rode it through ebay.
  • Secla
    Secla Posts: 71
    excellent, i`l have to get down there one day soon and have a look around and see if i can find some nice loops to do only problem is the place isnt very big so might have to be a bit creative to get a longer ride without getting a bit bored