Marmotte Photos

dave milne
dave milne Posts: 703
I have found 2 lots, photobreton and griffe. I'm sure there were more companies out than that though has anyone found any more?


  • Le Commentateur
    Le Commentateur Posts: 4,099
    Those are the two that make a living out of selling holiday snaps to the cyclotourists.

    Might be worth doing a "Marmotte 2009" search at Flickr to see what amateur photographers have to offer -- may be better for scenic views of the event itself rather than specific riders on virage 5 of Alpe d'Huez.
  • term1te
    term1te Posts: 1,462
    There are a bunch in the link at the bottom of this post. Mostly of the area in the days before the ride, but a few at the start and finish of the Marmotte.