Moving on from Hardtail...Full Sus advice...which bike?

Wh|t3R@bb|t Posts: 5
edited July 2009 in MTB buying advice
Hi All,

Been riding about 6 months and have done a far few miles on my trusty Rockhopper Comp...which has served me well around the routes I've been riding. Also, has survived quite a few falls/offs due to me being too courageous or not being able to get my feet out the SPD's (still having fun with them 6 months on).

Anyway, have now moved up to more advanced riding/trails with some good downhill descents and climbs and think I need to move to full sus. I ride the Red/Black at Llandegla and get thrown about all over the place so a rear shock would help to absorb some of it. I'm going to keep the RH as I love it, and plus the mrs may then start coming with me (joy of joys).

As a group of newish riders, we tend to do 2-3 hour rides mostly climbs, trails and tricky downhills paths. So need something thats light, good for climbing and then chucking around downhill.

So which bike?! I am trying to stick to a budget of between £1500 and £2000. However, realistically think it'll be closer to the 2k mark. So many bikes to choose from and so many opinions to wade through.

I really like my local bike shop and they have a great specialized concept store (chester) so would like to stick to this brand. But open to ideas. There are some good deals on at the mo too. So the choices I think?

1. Specialized Stumpjumper Expert Carbon - Down from £2800 to £2300 and maybe able to get a deal perhaps?
2. Specialized Euduro SL Expert - Down from over to £2500 to less than £2k.
3. Trek Topfuel / Fuelex 9 - Around the £1900 mark.
4. Trek Fuelex 8 - Around the £1700 mark.

Any comments/suggestions on the above. Am I mad? Should I stick with the RH for longer?

As a lifetime motorbiker didn't think I could find something as enjoyable and fun as that with my clothes on ;-) but am totally sold now and loving MTBing. Its getting me fitter and getting me out enjoying Britains finest countryside.


  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Honestly, if you're riding the black at llandegla, then full-suss is not needed. The trail is pretty much as smooth as glass, bar a few tiny sections. I've ridden it several times on my hardtail, and found that I was actually a little faster, because it's lower BB height meant it could be thrown into the corners faster.

    Anyway, for the kind of riding you're looking at, and if you're sure you want full suss, then I heartily recommend the Marin Mount Vision. It really is as perfect a bike for UK trail riding as you can get.
  • ricardo666
    ricardo666 Posts: 132
    I ride the red trail at llandegla too, as well as peak district, the lakes, and the marin trail, even a stint at glentress. I have a hardtail and a fulll sus trek ex8, and know what you mean about getting thrown about bit on a hardtail wishing i took the trek instead.

    Believe me a full sus does help, but 2 grand is alot of money for riding llandegla, maybe having a look for sales or end of season models which is how i aquired my trek.

    Maybe think about a marin mount vision like the other guy recommends or maybe a lapierre they seem to to get a good write up in the mags.

    good luck
    If you fall off try again !

    Trek EX8
    Handsome Dog XC01 with added ebay specials
  • Thanks both....I understand both points of view. I suppose i used Llandegla as an example of moving to more advanced routes, trails. I don't think I'll just be sticking to Llandegla from now on....roof rack on and off to some other trails/descents etc. So I think that an investment into a half decent full suss will serve me well.

    I am not saying "you can't ride these trails on a HT" but I am saying I would "personally" prefer something that absorbs some of the shocks. The good thing is if I want to lock the rear I can on a full suss (well nearly) but I don't have that flexability with a HT.

    I admit, its a lot of money to spend on something I'm only getting into, but I suppose it all about disposable income and what I want to spend. I am just a sod for buying something cheaper and spending all my time wishing I'd spent the extra to get something better.

    I have heard good things about the Lapierre but apparently are like rocking horse dung. Plus my mates getting one and want to see how he gets on.

    Going bike shop browsing today, so see how I get on. Any more advice greatly recieved.