Cutting through Switzerland in the car on way to Alps

heavymental Posts: 2,079
edited July 2009 in Tour & expedition
I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that you get charged a fair whack when you cross into Switzerland in the car and that you should avoid crossing the border when on your travels around the Alps. Is that true? I'm thinking of heading accross the Alps into Italy towards Lake Como area so it would be useful to know. Any suggested route for that journey coming from Dunkirk direction?


  • rickwiggans
    rickwiggans Posts: 416
    Having lived there, I can explain. To travel on the motorways, you need a vignette (a sticker for the front window) this lasts a years, and last time I got one it was 40 euros. If you stay off the motorways, there is no charge

  • heavymental
    heavymental Posts: 2,079
    Thanks Rick. Thats useful to know.