Bars & Gels

Angus444 Posts: 141
edited July 2009 in The bottom bracket
I tried a gel for the first time the other day....the one that Zipvit sent out in the promo box.... and it was truly the worst thing I have ever put in my mouth...(sounds like a heading for another thread).....and I've eaten at KFC!!!

It was so top-heavy with caffeine, it was all I coud do to stop barfing it up right there and then.

Anyone recommend a better product?


  • bobtbuilder
    bobtbuilder Posts: 1,537
    IMO - most gels are horrible, but if you eat sensibly during the ride, you shouldn't need the quick hit of a gel.

    There are plenty of "real" foods which do the job just as well: malt loaf, fig rolls, nuts/berries, sandwiches, etc.

    If you really want to use energy bars, Clif bars are quite nice and so are the Zipvit ones.
  • Angus444
    Angus444 Posts: 141
    Agreed, Bob. The Zipvit bars were are Trek bars, from Sainsbury...there's some weight in them!

    God knows how anyone could stomach 2 or 3 of these gels on any one run/race........
  • apple15
    apple15 Posts: 61
    I'll have to agree with you I tried the Zipvit gel and it was disgusting, I normally go for the SIS Smart 1 gels, they seem to do the trick without having to carry sticky malt loaf, which IMO is really difficult to get down after a while in the saddle.
    ....( )/ ( )...
  • UncleFred
    UncleFred Posts: 227
    Carb Boom Gels are my favorite, followed by Accelerade and at a push GU's

    Clif Gels make make puke instantly.
  • Wappygixer
    Wappygixer Posts: 1,396
    I like SIS gels.
    A bit strange at first but they do get better and they are the only gel available that doesn't require water to break them down and work.
    I find orange and tropical the nicest.
  • crown_jewel
    crown_jewel Posts: 545
    Hammer gel. Vanilla and chocolate. They actually taste pretty good.
  • Chaz.Harding
    Chaz.Harding Posts: 3,144
    Angus444 wrote:
    I tried a gel for the first time the other day....the one that Zipvit sent out in the promo box.... and it was truly the worst thing I have ever put in my mouth...(sounds like a heading for another thread).....and I've eaten at KFC!!!

    It was so top-heavy with caffeine, it was all I coud do to stop barfing it up right there and then.

    Anyone recommend a better product?
    Thats PRECISELY what I thought. Shoulda seen my face! Lol :lol:

    And they are soooo thick! Luckily wasn't actually cycling, just getting ready to shoot off. I can't stand coffee, so the coffee-bitter taste made them truely horrible.. Urgh... BUT, my God did it work! I was flying! Proper good effects, just a shame they are horrific-tasting!
    Boo-yah mofo
    Sick to the power of rad
    Fix it 'till it's broke
  • Slow Downcp
    Slow Downcp Posts: 3,041

    And they are soooo thick! Luckily wasn't actually cycling, just getting ready to shoot off.

    Carlsberg don't make cycle clothing, but if they did it would probably still not be as good as Assos
  • nolf
    nolf Posts: 1,287
    Gels are great though if you're a bit out of breath and need something quickly.
    SiS gels are great.

    Personal faves (taste) zipvit energy drink (fruit punch),
    SiS gels,
    Powerbar energy bar (chocolate),
    Powerbar chocolate powder recovery drink.
    "I hold it true, what'er befall;
    I feel it, when I sorrow most;
    'Tis better to have loved and lost;
    Than never to have loved at all."

    Alfred Tennyson
  • don key
    don key Posts: 494
    Nothing makes me go like the Clif gell I had a year and a half back. Can only get them in the States though.
  • Mike Healey
    Mike Healey Posts: 1,023
    Bars are very good places to pick up gels, doncha know?
    Organising the Bradford Kids Saturday Bike Club at the Richard Dunn Sports Centre since 1998
  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    Bars are very good places to pick up gels, doncha know?

    My thoughts exactly..
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..
  • DavidBelcher
    DavidBelcher Posts: 2,684
    Angus444 wrote:
    I tried a gel for the first time the other day....the one that Zipvit sent out in the promo box.... and it was truly the worst thing I have ever put in my mouth...(sounds like a heading for another thread).....and I've eaten at KFC!!!

    It was so top-heavy with caffeine, it was all I coud do to stop barfing it up right there and then.

    Anyone recommend a better product?

    I forget the brand, but last autumn I had a gel sachet given away as a freebie at the race I'd just finished....and frankly I could see why they were giving them away free. I think it was supposed to be pineapple or tropical fruit flavour, and reminded me of a particularly grim trifle. :(

    "It is not enough merely to win; others must lose." - Gore Vidal
  • freehub
    freehub Posts: 4,257
    ZipVit gel bars are really good, like rocket fuel, the caffeine gel bar did make m head go abit funny but still woke me up
    Angus444 wrote:
    I tried a gel for the first time the other day....the one that Zipvit sent out in the promo box.... and it was truly the worst thing I have ever put in my mouth...(sounds like a heading for another thread).....and I've eaten at KFC!!!

    It was so top-heavy with caffeine, it was all I coud do to stop barfing it up right there and then.

    Anyone recommend a better product?

    I forget the brand, but last autumn I had a gel sachet given away as a freebie at the race I'd just finished....and frankly I could see why they were giving them away free. I think it was supposed to be pineapple or tropical fruit flavour, and reminded me of a particularly grim trifle. :(


    High Five? Powerbar?
  • DomPro
    DomPro Posts: 321
    Agreed, the Zipvit gels are disgusting. They do the job though.

    SIS Smart gels are my preference.
    Shazam !!
  • Stewie Griffin
    Stewie Griffin Posts: 4,330
    Damn, I thought you said Bras and Girls :(
  • agnello
    agnello Posts: 239
    i couldn't get on with gels until I tried high 5. they are quite liquid and very agreeable.

    wish i took a few more on the marmotte.

    what do they say about PPPPPP?
    Stumpjumper FSR Comp
    Eddy Merckx Strada
    Gios Compact KK
    Raleigh Dynatech Diablo
    Canyon CF CLX / Record
    Charge Plug 3
    Kinesis GF Ti disc - WIP...
  • Bhima
    Bhima Posts: 2,145

    Perfect if in a squeezable squirty bottle.

    Get cheaper honey to refill the bottle with, as the squeezy bottles tend to be more expensive. :wink:

    Pure glucose & fructose. No caffiene. Cheap.
  • softlad
    softlad Posts: 3,513
    blimey Bhima - that's actually not such a bad idea... ;)
  • prawny
    prawny Posts: 5,457
    I thought the Zipvit gel was nice, although mine wasn't a caffeine one, just a sugary orange burst of speed!
  • McBain_v1
    McBain_v1 Posts: 5,237
    Torq bars are okay.

    What do I ride? Now that's an Enigma!
  • Gav888
    Gav888 Posts: 946
    I tend to use Gatorade and Nutra-grain bars as fuel... working so far, I think :)

    Are gels basically a quick fix, if so, why not use jelly beans or something like that, dont they do the same job but alot cheaper?
    Cycling never gets any easier, you just go faster - Greg LeMond
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    sod the gels, dont ever badmouth KFC or things will get finger lickin' bad mister 8)