Broken front brake advice

sebbyj Posts: 4
edited July 2009 in Workshop
Hi all,

I was on a ride yesterday when my front brake failed. On closer inspection, it appears that the cable has snapped near the lever and also a small spring appears to have sheared.

Is it possible to purchase and install a new cable and spring, or will I required a totally new lever unit? If it's any help, my bike is an entry level Raleigh Airlite.

Many thanks in advance for any help.



  • skyd0g
    skyd0g Posts: 2,540
    The cable is no problem to replace, the spring may be ALOT trickier to source.
    Try your LBS first, if they do not have a spare they may be able to order a spring/ lever unit from Raleigh direct.
    Cycling weakly
  • Wooliferkins
    Wooliferkins Posts: 2,060
    Are they Tektro levers? A set of R200s will set you back about £25. A pain for a spring but if your LBS hasn't got anything.
    Help I'm Being Oppressed
  • sebbyj
    sebbyj Posts: 4
    Thanks for the responses!

    I have checked the levers and I think they are manufactured by Alhonga (the brandname is worn down to 'Al' but this is the name on the actual brakes).

    Those Tektro ones do look very similar. I will pay a visit to my LBS this weekend to see what they suggest.

    I am considering purchasing a new pair of levers anyway, as the existing working one is a bit stiff and I don't want the same problem to occur again. As I have downtube shifters, do you think I can do a straight swap between my existing levers and those Tektro R200s (or similar)?

    Thanks once again,

  • Wooliferkins
    Wooliferkins Posts: 2,060
    The listing I looked at on the web said Tektro levers, I presume you have caliper brakes not canti's. Calipers R200s will be just fine.
    Help I'm Being Oppressed
  • sebbyj
    sebbyj Posts: 4
    Yeah they're caliper brakes, not cantilevers.

    My bike is a good 4-5 years old so they may have changed brake suppliers since then.

    I will see what the LBS says and based on that I may invest in some new ones and try my hand at replacing them.

    Thanks for your help Wooliferkins,

  • Wooliferkins
    Wooliferkins Posts: 2,060
    Cake walk, worst bit is replacing the bar tape. You'll need a new brake cable but it's all pretty easy.
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