RPCC Ride - Sat 11th / Sun 12th

Rich-Ti Posts: 1,831
Ok folks, apologies for the late thread! :roll: :lol:

To put it simply, you're on your own this week! Most of the RPCC core are away riding the Devil Ride this weekend (Art Vandelay, The Emu, Myk-ee, Felgen & myself) with Phips and Berns12 also out of action on other duties I believe, so there won't be a ride heading out from Richmond Gate unless you plan it yourselves! :shock:

I'm sure you're more than capable though, so please feel free to continue the legacy in our absence and tell us all about it too! Would be good to know the rides are carrying on without us and hopefully a few of you regulars can get something organised amongst yourselves :wink: 8)

So, until next week... :D


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  • NWLondoner
    NWLondoner Posts: 2,047
    Good luck to you guys doing the devils. Enjoy the sun in provence.

    As it stands I want to be home in time for Le Tour so plan to be on the 7.33 from Waterloo to Clandon on Saturday,then hit coombe,ranmore,box hill then back to RP then home.

    However I would be open to an 8am 90km easy pace ride from Richmond Gate. Again after coombe I would want to hang left and go direct to Ranmore. We could always split if others want to do a winterfold loop/leith hill and try to meet at top of Box?

    Let us know?
  • urrrrrrrrrs
    urrrrrrrrrs Posts: 478
    hi ryan

    i'm a RPCC lurker,although i know some of the guys,never been out with the posse due to various commitments etc...

    anyhoo I live just slightly north of you in Borehamwood and to the north of me ,we have an area called little switzerlland :twisted: its nice and challenging :twisted: .Now should you wnat to travel less,have a lie in and be back in time for the TDF let us know/send me a PM,


    8th March 2010,Spain ,Here I come !!!!!!
  • london-red
    london-red Posts: 1,266
    Hi all - may be up for an early Saturday morning trip up Box HIll. Would have to be back by midday, though, so it would have to be a shorter ride (Hungry Hill, Ranmore, Box, cake, home :-)

    Let me know if anyone's interested...
  • london-red
    london-red Posts: 1,266
    By the way, good luck to all you grinders this weekend!
  • NWLondoner
    NWLondoner Posts: 2,047
    London-Red wrote:
    By the way, good luck to all you grinders this weekend!

    I wouldn't say that in front of Stephen Fry :shock:
  • london-red
    london-red Posts: 1,266
    :lol: Yeah, perhaps I'll give that a miss!

    Fancy a run out Saturday am then? As I say, pretty short and sharp, but none the worse for it...
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  • J09
    J09 Posts: 122
    I'm in. Early start (8am)? Or not really?

    An early finish sounds good to me to...
  • NWLondoner
    NWLondoner Posts: 2,047
    For me it would have to be an 8am start or by myself.

    Can you 2 remember to way from RP to the bottom of staple lane/coombe lane? I have Coombe Lane onwards on my Garmin but not the first part :shock:

    Weather looks pretty wet so at Box just a quickie to empty and refill?

    If on way back from Box you guys want to speed on ahead then just say :D

    Any other lurkers wanting to tag along?
  • jrduquemin
    jrduquemin Posts: 791
    I would like to join but my colleague is away on holiday so I'm covering him this weekend. I need to see if spending a week at altitude will have any effect on my riding :-)

    Andorra was great, but it rained every day at 3:30pm on the dot :-)
    2010 Lynskey R230
    2013 Yeti SB66
  • voxegam
    voxegam Posts: 244
    Sorry, racing in Cardiff this weekend.....Have fun though!
    Trek Madone 6.5 Pro
    Planet-X (now winter-bike)
  • patchy
    patchy Posts: 779
    i could well be up for this (RPCC newbie) although an 8am start would be painful (living in crouch end as i do...)
    point your handlebars towards the heavens and sweat like you're in hell
  • NWLondoner
    NWLondoner Posts: 2,047
    Thats not too far. I have a fair old trek as well :twisted:
  • Esoteric80
    Esoteric80 Posts: 84
    I'm in.

  • NWLondoner
    NWLondoner Posts: 2,047
    Esoteric80 wrote:
    I'm in.

    yep 8am.
  • J09
    J09 Posts: 122
    Where's that? I do remember the routes we usually to get out and to RP, but have no idea of the names...
  • london-red
    london-red Posts: 1,266
    Good stuff. 95% certain to be there. Looking forward to it!
  • london-red
    london-red Posts: 1,266
    Good stuff today chaps. I recorded a 54-miler at an average speed of 17.6mph which was pretty good going.

    Shorter one than usual, with a sharp left straight after the first hill (Hungry Hill?) taking us down to the short, steep pull up on to Ranmore before Box Hill. Timed Box Hill at 7.35 - an infuriating 2 seconds outside the PB :x

    And, back by 11.30 - which even kept the wife happy :D
  • NWLondoner
    NWLondoner Posts: 2,047
    I second that a Great ride.

    I averaged 27.04 kph for the entire ride which is about 1kph more than my normal RPCC average.

    Managed Box in 9.12 which is 8 seconds over my best effort last Sunday but with over 60km in the legs already I am very happy with that. In fact I am finding these hills a little easier now. Maybe if i can get under 7.30 I can treat myself to a set of carbon wheels that I have my eye on ;-)

    Although I must invest in a new bottle after it decided to do a Menchov and hit the deck when taking a corner :-)
  • thebongolian
    thebongolian Posts: 333
    Good work guys - I was only just out of bed by the time you got back!

    Hope the water bottle was the only damage in the fall
  • NWLondoner
    NWLondoner Posts: 2,047
    Good work guys - I was only just out of bed by the time you got back!

    Hope the water bottle was the only damage in the fall

    Thankfully i didn't fall, just the bottle decided to eject itself from my bike.

    Although i did go cross country when going around that sharp right hand bend when going down Ranmore Common road :oops: :shock:
  • thebongolian
    thebongolian Posts: 333
    NWLondoner wrote:
    Although i did go cross country when going around that sharp right hand bend when going down Ranmore Common road :oops: :shock:

    What like Lance in the tour a few years back?


    Good work!
  • Rich-Ti
    Rich-Ti Posts: 1,831
    Thread for this coming weekend is now live so state your intentions! 8)