10 speed crankset

goofyfoot3904 Posts: 5
edited July 2009 in Road beginners
Can I run a 10 spd crankset with 9 speed cassette and mechs, if not why not( in simple english please) Thanks


  • Moontrane
    Moontrane Posts: 233
    I never done it, but you might find that the wider (than a 10sp) 9sp chain rubs the inner face of the large 10sp chainring when you’re on the smaller chainring.

    You might need chainring bolt spacers for enough room.

    Again, I’ve never done it.
    Infinite diversity, infinte variations
  • C-S-B
    C-S-B Posts: 117
    I used to run a 10 speed crankset with 8 speed everything else- it worked fine
  • kozzo
    kozzo Posts: 182
    I use 10 speed Centaur on 9 speed set up from over 10 000 km without any problem.

    And in case of upgrade to 10 speed the most expensive part is already there.
  • Bugly
    Bugly Posts: 520
    no problem at all