Lance Apologizes!!



  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    dougzz wrote:

    LA cares about LA, nothing or no one else, aside from a couple people. If he wants to appear a little conciliatory he makes the right noise. He doesn't care what Sastre or Vandevelde think of him, or anyone else come to that.

    He cares about public perception of him simply in terms of his income.

    So Lance only has two or three friends / confidants? According to you? Think about what you're saying. Makes no sense at all. I see clips of him racing all the time and it seems that he's always got a smile on his face and so do the people around him. I've seen him talking to people who are actually talking back to him(imagine that) and even, dare I say it, laughing at something he said. I may have even seen him laugh at something
    someone else said. How can this be true? Oh my god, that must mean that he is a human being and enjoys the company of others. He may NOT be the otherworldly demon(with all the super powers that go along with being one) that you seem to have elevated him to.
    Could it possibly be that he puts his cycling shorts on one leg at a time? Just like you and I?
    What if I told you that Lance has been a friend of mine for years? And that my wife and myself have spent time vacationing, with him and his family, at his home in Spain more than a few times? And neither of us has ever observed him being anything more than "normal"(for lack of a better word)?
  • dougzz
    dougzz Posts: 1,833
    I didn't mean two by couple, I meant a small number, he's obviously close to his family, and maybe his friend's, I don't know the man personally. Yes, this is according to me, I offer my own opinions. When you're in the public spotlight and you make money as a result of the public knowledge of you it goes hand in hand with that to have to live with people that have never met you commenting on you and your behaviour.

    I think LA is viewed very differently outside the US to the way he's viewed within the US. There are a number of books that hi-light his behaviour towards those that have 'wronged' him as he sees it. It's pointless for me to repeat those here. Even books that have a generally positive style towards him hi-light incidents and behaviour that suggests people tread lightly around him.

    I stand by my comments that he manipulates a soft audience in the media to his own ends. An apology from him as I see it is further media manipulation. When he returned to cycling it was going to be totally transparent, he'd have his own internal anti-doping program, and the results of that program would be available publicly. Where are we with that now? Where's the transparency? Within a few weeks we were back to the old LA, speaking only to those that write it his way, ignoring the tough questions from the likes of Kimmage, who doesn't roll with the LA bandwagon. I'm sorry LA represents the bad old days, and I'm not stupid enough to think everything has changed but I did feel that progress was being made.
  • andyp wrote:
    The Vrijman report was publically codemned by WADA;

    "The Vrijman report is so lacking in professionalism and objectivity that it borders on farcical. Were the matter not so serious and the allegations it contains so irresponsible, we would be inclined to give it the complete lack of attention it deserves." ... Id=3115287

    No big surprise WADA didn't like the report.
    The commission: "called upon the WADA and LNDD to submit themselves to an investigation by an outside independent authority. The IOC Ethics Commission subsequently censured Dick Pound, the President of WADA and a member of the IOC, for his statements in the media that suggested wrongdoing by Armstrong.
  • dougzz wrote:
    Where's the transparency? ... g/testing/

    there have been 35 tests by varous agencies before the tour and you can be certain he's a targeted rider in the tour.. They don't release many of the results.
  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    dougzz wrote:
    ..... he's obviously close to his family, and maybe his friend's, I don't know the man personally. Yes, this is according to me, I offer my own opinions.

    When he returned to cycling it was going to be totally transparent, he'd have his own internal anti-doping program, and the results of that program would be available publicly. Where are we with that now? Where's the transparency? Within a few weeks we were back to the old LA, speaking only to those that write it his way, ignoring the tough questions from the likes of Kimmage, who doesn't roll with the LA bandwagon.

    Do you think if you knew him personally you just might have a small change of heart?
    Just maybe he's not all you think he is? Maybe?

    As for doping transparency I doubt you were hoping for that. I'm betting you were praying for any bit of "dirt" you could get from it to support your views? Yes?

    As for Kimmage, why would anyone answer any questions from someone that they knew was only going to slam them? Would you? I wouldn't. I don't see that as anything strange at all. Lots of sports and entertainment figures won't talk to certain "reporters" for
    that same reason.
    As for "tough questions", well, aren't there certain "tough questions" I might ask you that are "none of my damn business"? I've asked more than a few tough questions on this forum and never got a response, let alone a answer.
  • donrhummy
    donrhummy Posts: 2,329
    Well, looks like Lance finally manned-up. he apologized in person to Sastre: ... -armstrong
    riding together, I had the chance to congratulate the Astana riders for their victory yesterday. I also praised other riders from other teams and I rode alongside Armstrong, who I also congratulated.

    "After this, he apologised for the comments he had made and for what he wrote in his book about my victory in last year's Tour."

    "That was really important to me because it meant that he has regained the respect that I have always had for him. I think it's important that he said it, not only for the press but for me personally, and I'm glad about it.”
  • iainf72
    iainf72 Posts: 15,784
    How long do you think I should wait for my apology?

    I don't need one in person, will accept a tweet.
    Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.
  • disgruntledgoat
    disgruntledgoat Posts: 8,957
    iainf72 wrote:
    How long do you think I should wait for my apology?

    I don't need one in person, will accept a tweet.

    You've got nothing he wants Ian...
    "In many ways, my story was that of a raging, Christ-like figure who hauled himself off the cross, looked up at the Romans with blood in his eyes and said 'My turn, sock cookers'"

  • iainf72
    iainf72 Posts: 15,784

    You've got nothing he wants Ian...

    I've got an unopened Livestrong band thing someone gave me. He could have it back and resell it?
    Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.
  • dougzz
    dougzz Posts: 1,833
    Dennisn - Unlikely I'll ever meet him, I've certainly no desire to, and I can't imagine why he'd want to meet me.

    Specifics are pointless, we'd only disagree. The 99 EPO test, the steroid cream note written after a positive test and the denials of using a banned substance, the huge improvement, constantly beating other top riders that have admitted using PED's whilst he claims to 'have never tested positive'. But what's the point, we're both fixed in our opposing camps.

    Essentially it comes down to this. On the balance of what I've read and people's behaviour I think LA has used performance enhancing drugs, and that he's intimated people, and he is generally bad for cycling. You obviously don't. Since it seems unlikely we'll agree why don't we both move on?

  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    dougzz wrote:
    Dennisn - Unlikely I'll ever meet him, I've certainly no desire to, and I can't imagine why he'd want to meet me.

    Specifics are pointless, we'd only disagree. The 99 EPO test, the steroid cream note written after a positive test and the denials of using a banned substance, the huge improvement, constantly beating other top riders that have admitted using PED's whilst he claims to 'have never tested positive'. But what's the point, we're both fixed in our opposing camps.

    Essentially it comes down to this. On the balance of what I've read and people's behaviour I think LA has used performance enhancing drugs, and that he's intimated people, and he is generally bad for cycling. You obviously don't. Since it seems unlikely we'll agree why don't we both move on?

    Seems resonable to me.
  • sampras38
    sampras38 Posts: 1,917
    edited July 2009
    dougzz wrote:
    Dennisn - Unlikely I'll ever meet him, I've certainly no desire to, and I can't imagine why he'd want to meet me.

    Specifics are pointless, we'd only disagree. The 99 EPO test, the steroid cream note written after a positive test and the denials of using a banned substance, the huge improvement, constantly beating other top riders that have admitted using PED's whilst he claims to 'have never tested positive'. But what's the point, we're both fixed in our opposing camps.

    Essentially it comes down to this. On the balance of what I've read and people's behaviour I think LA has used performance enhancing drugs, and that he's intimated people, and he is generally bad for cycling. You obviously don't. Since it seems unlikely we'll agree why don't we both move on?


    I don't usually respond on forums with bad language but you sound a complete tool, and are talking utter rubbish. Get over your fookin Lance hatred as it's boring and most of your comments have been said a million fookin times before.

    Those 99 tests were never proven and you know it. And the French tried to highlight a cortisone reading in the same year and the levels were so low it was ridiculous. Something like .2 which came from a cream. when riders were allowed readings of 6.

    Personally I'd like to believe that the guy was clean, and i'm not some niaive monkey that doesn't know anything about the sport.
  • andyp
    andyp Posts: 10,485
    @sampras38 - thanks for that intelligent contribution. :roll:
  • sampras38
    sampras38 Posts: 1,917
    andyp wrote:
    @sampras38 - thanks for that intelligent contribution. :roll:

    What do you mean exactly?

    I just get tired of hearing the same stuff over and over.
  • don key
    don key Posts: 494
    dougzz wrote:
    It's not an apology it's simply manipulation. Mostly the media love this guy, or they're scared of him. So he makes the right sound bite for the moment. He's dominated the TdF and he's doing the same to the media.

    LA cares about LA, nothing or no one else, aside from a couple people. If he wants to appear a little conciliatory he makes the right noise. He doesn't care what Sastre or Vandevelde think of him, or anyone else come to that.

    He cares about public perception of him simply in terms of his income.

  • don key
    don key Posts: 494
    edited July 2009
    The word hatred is the most poorly used word on this forum but you just have to use it don't you, just like the way people use the term conspiracy theory with regard to trying to debunk credible witnesses or stories, it will continue to be misused on both accounts as it serves a purpose but the moment I see it used in this blanket fashion the other words in the post are largely meaningless.
  • shinyhelmut
    shinyhelmut Posts: 1,364
    sampras38 wrote:
    Personally I'd like to believe that the guy was clean, and i'm not some niaive monkey that doesn't know anything about the sport.

    Personally I'd like to believe he's clean. Unfortunately there is just too much evidence. I don't hate the guy. I agree that what he has achieved (both in sport and outside) is amazing but I don't like the way it was achieved.

    In 99 I rooted for him as part of the "new beginning" after Festina but gradually I have come to accept my niavety.

    I hope I'm not let down the same way by the new new breed; Cav, Wiggins, Boasson Hagen, Dan Martin etc....

    I'm not however holding my breath.
  • dennisn wrote:
    dougzz wrote:
    Dennisn - Unlikely I'll ever meet him, I've certainly no desire to, and I can't imagine why he'd want to meet me.

    Specifics are pointless, we'd only disagree. The 99 EPO test, the steroid cream note written after a positive test and the denials of using a banned substance, the huge improvement, constantly beating other top riders that have admitted using PED's whilst he claims to 'have never tested positive'. But what's the point, we're both fixed in our opposing camps.

    Essentially it comes down to this. On the balance of what I've read and people's behaviour I think LA has used performance enhancing drugs, and that he's intimated people, and he is generally bad for cycling. You obviously don't. Since it seems unlikely we'll agree why don't we both move on?

    Seems resonable to me.

    and this is not the same stuff over and over again? :roll:
  • andyp
    andyp Posts: 10,485
    So let me get this straight, it's fine to accept Armstrong's wins at face value and claim him as the greatest rider ever over and over and over, but if you challenge that then it's repeating the same stuff over and over again?


    @sampras38 - just because you don't like what someone is saying, you don't have to resort to personal insults. Most people grow out of that as children.
  • andyp wrote:
    So let me get this straight, it's fine to accept Armstrong's wins at face value and claim him as the greatest rider ever over and over and over, but if you challenge that then it's repeating the same stuff over and over again?


    @sampras38 - just because you don't like what someone is saying, you don't have to resort to personal insults. Most people grow out of that as children.

    were you not the one that claimed you were tired of the same thing over and over from defender?
  • don key
    don key Posts: 494
    If we didn't believe he cheated and then laughed all the way to the berm spank, we would not be on this crewsaid. When his ship sinks we will, like all good pirates, go to his aid and make sure the plug stays missing.The plug is important as I believe it will be a self sinking success.
  • drenkrom
    drenkrom Posts: 1,062

    WOW!!!! :shock:

    a link to in response to a question about transparency. This is my "irony of the week" for sure!
  • procarbon
    procarbon Posts: 62
    There's nothing Lance can do that will satisfy the people out there who hate Lance beyond all reason. Nothing.

    Well said.
  • sampras38
    sampras38 Posts: 1,917
    andyp wrote:
    So let me get this straight, it's fine to accept Armstrong's wins at face value and claim him as the greatest rider ever over and over and over, but if you challenge that then it's repeating the same stuff over and over again?


    @sampras38 - just because you don't like what someone is saying, you don't have to resort to personal insults. Most people grow out of that as children.

    I don't think he's the greatest rider ever...I'd say that mantle goes to Mercx, but I do think he's the greatest Tour rider ever, and being able to do it after battling life threatening cancer makes him, in my eyes anyway, something very special indeed. His personality doesn't really interest me, the same way Lendl's didn't when I was a kid.