MTBing in South Africa

Racer X
Racer X Posts: 5
edited July 2009 in MTB rides
Hi Guys,
We, my business partner and I are thinking about expanding our South African MTB touring company into the States, the UK and Europe.
If you would mind answering the following few questions and either emailing me on, private messaging me or even replying on this thread then I would be most grateful.

1) Would you be keen to come and ride in SA?
2) Would you be keen on multi day tours, if so how long?
3) Would you be keen on area exploration, by this I mean would you be keen to explore one particular area over X amount of days.
4) What type of accommodation are you interested in? Camping, Lodges, B&B's, etc.
5) What type of riding are you interested in, All MTN, XC, Free Ride etc.
6) Would you be keen on just riding in our beautiful country or would you be also like to share in the local cultures. The Zulus, Xhosa, etc.
7) Would you be keen on riding race routes. The Cape Epic, the WC XC track etc.

Thats about it for now.
I would like to thank you all in advance for your co operation.
