Two Moors 100 sportif

paultrueman Posts: 118

Any one out there doing the Two moors 100. numbers look low so far online!

Any one done this one before and can offer any advice?


Paul T


  • yogi
    yogi Posts: 456
    Got 6 YOGi's doing it.
  • Mr Blister
    Mr Blister Posts: 25
    Im doing it. entering as a team of 1! sounds like it should be good, but as you say numbers look very low. i wonder if thats just because they havent updated the online booking system to show those that have booked by post.

    Have you guys done many rides of this length? This will be my first organised one. Im a little nervouse as i am doing it solo. Im hoping it will also be a good way of meeting other local riders.
    07 Specialized Roubaix S - Works - With Kysrium SL's
    Iceni Reynolds 520 commuter/ tourer
    DMR Trailstar
    If it has wheels I'll ride it!!
  • yogi
    yogi Posts: 456
    Hi Mr. Blister,

    Done a few. This year;

    Hell of the North Cotswolds - 100k on/off-road
    Dragon Ride Wales - 190k
    Dartmoor Classic - 104 miles

    I expect there will be some who have done more! There's quite a lot of climbing at the start of this one, so take it easy and don't get carried away. It's better to start steady and be capable of speeding-up at the end than be dying before the end. First you have to finish.

    I think they are struggling for numbers. These events need a bit of advertising. So if anyone else out there fancies it - why not give it a go.

    You'll see a few YOGi jerseys at the start, feel free to come and have a chat. If you're ever in Plymouth you're more than welcome to join us for a ride.
  • paultrueman
    paultrueman Posts: 118
    just thought i would bump this post as the sportif still looks a little low on numbers!

    Paul T
  • paultrueman
    paultrueman Posts: 118
    Job Done!! This was one serioulsy wet and windy rides! and (Yogi) you were not wrong about the start!!

    I think the organisation of the race bearing in mind the size was tip top, and although the weather was pretty crumby I had a great ride, Just hope the organisers put more effort into marketing this race next year. really think they could of capitalised on the Classic a few weeks ago by handing out leaflets or having a small stand!

    Oh, how many people riding this managed to miss the last check point, we were going full gun off the roundabout and by the time i realised I was a few hundred yards past it!.

    Paul T
  • Mr Blister
    Mr Blister Posts: 25
    The weather was a misery! I also had two punctures. It was a really nice finish though with the sun out in Barnstaple.
    07 Specialized Roubaix S - Works - With Kysrium SL's
    Iceni Reynolds 520 commuter/ tourer
    DMR Trailstar
    If it has wheels I'll ride it!!
  • yogi
    yogi Posts: 456
    Oh, how many people riding this managed to miss the last check point, we were going full gun off the roundabout and by the time i realised I was a few hundred yards past it!.

    We had the full YOGi train in operation and overshot the check-point necessitating a swift and somehow coordinated about-turn!

    Enjoyed the ride despite the rain and wind. It was really nice to do 100 miles with a team of 6 including one of our ladies who's never done a 100 before. She was towing us blokes along at 30mph at the end!

    I think the organisation will have to be a bit slicker if they attract more numbers.
  • vs
    vs Posts: 468
    Great weather for riding 100+ miles; wet, warm, with a tail wind home and a flat finish.