advice for newcomer to sportive riding

Bigdod Posts: 108
I am doing the Rapha Blackpool spotive in a few weeks. I am a leisure rider typcally doing 40-50 mile rides with a couple of mates. I am not in a club. I am confident about my fitness for the event, but am slightly nervous about the "etiquette" of sportive riding. There is another thread about this and it does seem that towing/drafting are quite a big area of debate. Any advice for a novice? Dont want to hack people off by doing the wrong thing !


  • hitthewall
    hitthewall Posts: 114

    I'm sure you'll get good advice from the "old hands" here but for what its worth I did my first sportive on Sunday (Wantage).

    I wasnt too sure about etiquette and didnt want to upset anyone so if I was following someone at a similar speed I would hang back to keep a reasonable distance. Only got into a drafing situation with mutal consent and then it was front wheel to rear wheel close.

    Overtaking - I know its not a race but accelerated past to make it stick and to then keep a good distance ahead. Riders will sometimes speed up themselves when be overtaken (consciously or sub-consciously) hence the "accelerate". Pick your moment - no point in overtaking and then die on the hill which is just around the corner.

    Had someone overtake me on a hill only to plonk himself right in front of me messing up his gear changes and generally favving around. Annoying.
  • in a group, give plenty of warning if you are going to do something they might not expect like brake/stop. Sounds daft but I've been in groups where a rider has just stopped, because he wanted to, just didn't think to tell any one result carnage.
    Find yourself a big group if you can, and try to obeserve and it's always a good place to ask what to do, introduce yoourself as new to it all and your unsure and most people will understand/offer advice,...we've all been there.
    Most of all enjoy your riding
    i'll ride anything, but I prefer carbon.......... she screamed!!
  • softlad
    softlad Posts: 3,513
    Bigdod wrote:
    but am slightly nervous about the "etiquette" of sportive riding. There is another thread about this and it does seem that towing/drafting are quite a big area of debate. !

    the etiquette is pretty simple - if you are riding on someone's wheel - or in a group - be prepared to do a turn on the front. It might not come to that, but if it does, a refusal is not going to win you any friends... ;)

    Group riding is not a pre-requisite of sportives though, so don't get hung up about it...
  • joesteve
    joesteve Posts: 21
    Big dod

    Try and get out with your local road club on a beginners ride to learn the correct 'etiquette'. Riding in a group will improve your bike skills and your fitness. For the sportive it is definitely a benefit and will save you a lot of time if you get into a good group of similar paced riders all taking a turn doing the work. To put it into perspective I did my first sportive recently and averaged nearly 20mph over 100miles cycling in a big group from start to finish. This was my first century ride and I normally ride at 15 -16mph on my own.

    As other posters have said be aware of others around you if stopping and dont make sudden changes of direction. Try and take your turn on the front when you can but dont worry about hanging onto others wheels if you are tired, we have all done it. Talk to people its amazing how the miles fly past when you have something to take your mind of things. Watch out at the start of steep hills as the pace at the front generally drops as riders change down gears or get out the saddle and if you dont pay attention you'll end up going into the back of someone.

    Most of all enjoy it.


  • il_principe
    il_principe Posts: 9,155
    softlad wrote:
    Bigdod wrote:
    but am slightly nervous about the "etiquette" of sportive riding. There is another thread about this and it does seem that towing/drafting are quite a big area of debate. !

    the etiquette is pretty simple - if you are riding on someone's wheel - or in a group - be prepared to do a turn on the front. It might not come to that, but if it does, a refusal is not going to win you any friends... ;)

    Group riding is not a pre-requisite of sportives though, so don't get hung up about it...

    Do take your turn, I picked up 2 persistent drafters on the New Forest sportive last Sunday, neither took their turn, just used me to pull them. They did this twice with no sodding acknowledgement. I was pleased to note when the result came in, that I'd beaten their time by a considerable margin, but it did annoy me at the time, particularly as they chose to do it in the last few miles which was mainly uphill and into a headwind.

    If you find a bunch that suits your speed then stick with them. Riding on your own will make you tire much faster.