For goodness sake!!

Graydawg Posts: 673
The NHS are to Pay obese people £1 for every 1lb they lose!!

Wheres the inscentive to stay slim and healthy these days!!!

Surely fat people should have to pay a £1 if they don't lose at least 1lb a week??? surely that would be a better inscentive than to give them the money!!

Surely we as healthy people should be given some form of benefit as we dont cost as much as a whole to the NHS etc... cheaper health insurance etc...?

It's been a while...


  • whyamihere
    whyamihere Posts: 7,719
    I'm going to gain 1000lbs then lose it. I'll be rich!
  • Pik n Mix
    Pik n Mix Posts: 39
    Dont these things make you sick!

    same as rewarding the retards that can't be arsed at school whilst the really bright ambitious ones get no recognition at all.

    our country is backwards and run by the biggest hypocritical idiots going!

  • I suppose on the surface it may seem stupid but if you look a bit deeper....

    Be it obesity, be it smoking, be it alcohol related injuries and violence, be it cyclists who dont wear protective gear - we are all paying for peoples poor choices through our taxes - be it through incentive schemes or through the nhs costs of care and medication directly treating the results

    If you really wanted to chose the one that would make you reap the most benefits of saved taxes - ban alcohol.

    At least with preventative schemes we are likely to be paying out less per person over the course of our lives.

    There was a government e-petition a while ago I signed up for which got knocked back which was to reduce the tax on fresh fruit juice in line with the rest of the EU. If we had cheaper fresh fruit and veg it would be more of an incentive for people to eat healthier and save our tax £ on treating people later in life for unhealthy diets, as traditionally obesity is more commonly associated with lower incomes.

    The government have also decreased funding to projects like the sustrans network which at a time of rising obesity and pending punitive action for failing to meet global warming targets is counter-intuitave to common sense.

    Maybe if more politicians tried (or were forced) to cycle to work sharing road space with cars (and tried to teach their children to ride bikes on those roads as we have to encourage the health and fitness of our younger generation) and experienced the near mises such as what happened to boris a couple of months back, then perhaps some action will be forefront in ther minds as opposed to how much they can scam the public tax for their 'expenses'.
  • skullthaw
    skullthaw Posts: 321
    haha thats a joke thats as bad as the ema scheme how un fair is that!! ALL THE PEOPLE I KNOW ON IT USED IT TO LEARN TO DRIVE AND HAD MORE MONEY THAN ME AND I HAD A JOB
    2 Broken fingers broken again... F@$%^£g hell that hurt!!!

    92% of teenagers have turned to rap. If your one of the 8% that still listens to real music put this in your sig.
  • rhyko7
    rhyko7 Posts: 781
    they should have to pay their own medical fees, although the ammount of food they eat probably covers it in VAT lol
    i can sympophise with those that have conditions, but the rest are just lazy, useless wastes of space and lots of space too :twisted:
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