where to buy casual (not cycling) shorts in size 28??

neeb Posts: 4,473
edited July 2009 in The bottom bracket
These days it seems to be almost impossible to find clothes for slim people, and I have literally been unable to find any decent shorts in size 28 waist anywhere. I am living in Finland, so having exhausted local high street possibilities I am now looking at mail order.

All I am wanting is a standard pair of smartish shorts in size 28 that are cut above the knee (none of those ridiculous knee length things please!).

Any ideas? I have wasted hours trailing around shops and am now starting to get really pissed-off, to the extent that I am becoming a stroppy customer ("do you have these in non-obese sizes?" "Do you have any shorts that aren't made for fat bastards?").


  • Headhuunter
    Headhuunter Posts: 6,494
    A Japanese friend of mine has the same problems over here in Europe. In Japan and other Asian countries, size 28 waist is easily available. Not a cheap solution but take a holiday in Japan or Korea (the Won is realtively weak against the Pound) and stock up on clothes whilst you're there!
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  • whyamihere
    whyamihere Posts: 7,719
    I've found it bloody impossible. I'm looking for knee length shorts, and have to make do with 30" ones hanging around my arse and threatening to fall down.
  • Headhuunter
    Headhuunter Posts: 6,494
    May be the pair of you just need to eat a few more burgers and kebabs :D
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  • neeb
    neeb Posts: 4,473
    II was briefly in Tokyo last year (stopover on long flight), I should have thought of that!

    30" seems to be the cut-off point now in Europe. I was 30" for years before I started cycling more seriously and never had any problems...

    The irony is that most of the clothes we buy in the high street are made in the far east anyway, it's just that they don't export the small sizes.
  • neeb
    neeb Posts: 4,473
    May be the pair of you just need to eat a few more burgers and kebabs Very Happy

    That's one solution... :D
  • Headhuunter
    Headhuunter Posts: 6,494
    I lived in Japan for a few years and had problems finding things that fit me. I am about 6'3" and could not find trousers of the right leg length for love nor money. Same went for shirts - the sleeves always ended halfway up my forearm! When I came back to the UK I had to buy in loads of clothes to take back with me
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  • whyamihere
    whyamihere Posts: 7,719
    Actually, the problem's not so much waist size, I can find 28" waist stuff pretty easily, it's just in the kid's sections. The problem is height too. 6' tall with a 28" waist? Impossible apparently!
  • Stewie Griffin
    Stewie Griffin Posts: 4,330
    neeb wrote:
    May be the pair of you just need to eat a few more burgers and kebabs Very Happy

    That's one solution... :D
    Works for me, its always kept my waist line WELL above 30 :wink:
  • pottssteve
    pottssteve Posts: 4,069

    I saw some nice Bob the Builder jeans in there the other day... :D
    Head Hands Heart Lungs Legs
  • neeb
    neeb Posts: 4,473
    Had a look in a few kids' shops but there are several problems. Firstly the styles are obviously aimed at kids, the quality is usually fairly bad (kids complain less I suppose), and the fit is somehow all wrong... e.g. often trousers and shorts that are the correct waist measurement are too tight in the thighs (they're made for fat 10-year-olds with skinny legs rather than skinny adults with quads).

    Incidentally I am still a Medium in Campagnolo bibshorts. Maybe Italy is the place to go....
  • pottssteve
    pottssteve Posts: 4,069
    On a serious note, clothes here are made for the svelt Asian market. You could try Baleno or Giordano - both big chains here that may do online shopping. I'm a typical Westerner shape (ie fat) and find the trousers and underwear cut much too narrow for me. Columbia (the outdoor shop) also do smaller sizes here - maybe you could buy online...If not, get yourself a 'plane ticket to HK!
    Head Hands Heart Lungs Legs
  • andyp
    andyp Posts: 10,623
    If you're living in Finland why would you ever feel the need to wear shorts? :wink:
  • neeb
    neeb Posts: 4,473
    If you're living in Finland why would you ever feel the need to wear shorts? Wink

    Actually it's fairly regularly getting up to 25C + here at the moment. Summer is brilliant here, perfect temperatures, less rain than in the UK, fresher air, miles and miles of quiet roads, generally polite drivers, and at this time of year light nearly all of the time even in the south, so you can go out for 40mile rides at 10pm and still be back in broad daylight...

    The problem is the other 8+ months of the year.... :wink:
  • AMcD
    AMcD Posts: 236
    Hi, Next have loads of men's shorts that go to size 28 - whether you'd get a pair at just the right length is difficult to know though.

    It would appear you're a tad out of fashion and that 'knee length' is the way to go at the moment with men's shorts so good luck :lol: !!

    If Next is too trendy for you :D and you prefer to show more thigh then have a try at Marks - they usually have a good range of sizes too, and probably do 'smarter' shorts.
  • neeb
    neeb Posts: 4,473
    Thanks for the tips!

    I'm in the U.K. in August so will check Next out then.
  • LittleB0b
    LittleB0b Posts: 416
    I'm pretty sure gap do 28 waists as well
  • takethehighroad
    takethehighroad Posts: 6,841
    ASOS.com definately go to 28" in some styles, and it's not ALL designer, they do their own range, which is nice and simple. Not sure of the cost to Finland but I know they deliver to "Europe" which can mean a lot of things.
  • skyd0g
    skyd0g Posts: 2,540
    Topman do size 28" in their ranges now. Trendy stuff, I believe, if a little "studenty".
    http://www.topman.com :D
    Cycling weakly
  • Got my son (nearly 15) some in Burton's. They are 30" but have adjusting buttons on the side that will pull them in to 28". Sadly Marks and Spencer don't seem to go down to 28" (as another contributor thought) They have some reasonably priced good styles, but only start at 30, even online. We didn't like the ones in Next - looked like you wouldn't want to buy them unless you spent your life skateboarding.

    All my friends with sporty sons have the same problem - kids' shorts wrong shape and childish styles, adult ones not small enough waists. Debenhams children's shorts go up to age 16 and some are well cut and would suit an adult. My 13 year old son is even skinnier - I don't know what I'm going to do with him......
  • hopper1
    hopper1 Posts: 4,389
    I find it quite easy to get shorts made by Quicksilver, etc... Although they are surfing companies, they do make some very nice 'walking' shorts.
    Start with a budget, finish with a mortgage!
  • Surf-Matt
    Surf-Matt Posts: 5,952
    I've always been a skinny waisted oik - I have Small Endura shorts that fall off.
    Usually 30" in most trousers/shorts but some are just too big. Found a number of surf companies that do small stuff but few and far between.

    Also find small waisted stuff tight on the thighs - and I am way off Chris Hoy style legs.~


    Problem is I'm 40-42" in the chest and 11.5 stone - so half super slim, half bulky. I used to be called "Ram Man" (a character from He-Man) by a few mates - the trials of being a life long surfer and gym goer!