Vosges - Route des Cretes

nicktheluddite Posts: 221
edited August 2009 in Tour & expedition
Has anyone ridden the Route des Cretes in the Vosges? I've seen it described as either a lovely ride or "should be called Route des Motorhome". Any knowledge which it is more accurate? I don't think I'll enjoy slogging the tourer uphill while motorhomes try to overtake on hairpin bends......... Cheers.


  • knedlicky
    knedlicky Posts: 3,097
    I’ve been along parts of the Route many times, and don’t really remember ever much traffic, nevermind motorhomes. However, I think it’s more interesting to mostly zig-zag either side along the Route, but which inevitably means not just descending but also then climbing back up, so more effort.

    If I remember right, the best ‘view’ bits are the 5 miles either side of where the Route crosses the the Col de la Schlucht, especially to the south of the col, looking west.
  • cycladelic
    cycladelic Posts: 641
    I went 4 years ago in early June and it was very quiet. I guess if you go in mid-July you'll meet quite a few mobile homes and camper vans... but they are everywhere in Europe.
    It's an uphill climb to the bottom
  • OK back now with ride report. We climbed up Col de la Schucht from the west (in the quieter non-main road route) then headed along the Route de Cretes all the way south to Cernay. It was glorious - unbroken sunshine with a mostly level route. Hard work to get up to the col (it was 2nd cat climb this year's tour) but not too much hard work on the route. Partially in woodland, partially open. Traffic heavier than the deserted rural roads we'd ridden in Normandy, but nothing to spoil the enjoyment. Quite a lot of motorbikes out having a blast but they were all very safe and considerate around us - well done. Also plenty of roadies but no-one else on fully laden tourers - I goes that make us the odd ones out?