Cycling near Dubrovnik, Croatia

Rhods Posts: 400
edited May 2013 in Tour & expedition

I'm currently planning a tour of the Dalmatia region in Croatia and was wondering if anyone knew what the "E65" road heading North West from Croatia is like? Is it a dual carriageway? Is it fairly safe for cycling on? Any information appreciated.



  • NoNotAgain
    NoNotAgain Posts: 91
    Rhods wrote:

    I'm currently planning a tour of the Dalmatia region in Croatia and was wondering if anyone knew what the "E65" road heading North West from Croatia is like? Is it a dual carriageway? Is it fairly safe for cycling on? Any information appreciated.


    Cycling in Croatia on major routes is not for the faint of heart.
    Living in Vienna, I am used to dense and dangerous traffic, but Croatia gave me a shock. Road cyclists are pretty rare there, so people are not used to them.
    Prepare to be overtaken with 3 inches left for you.
    1,000km+ a month, strictly road.
  • Bodhbh
    Bodhbh Posts: 117
    NoNotAgain wrote:
    Cycling in Croatia on major routes is not for the faint of heart.
    Living in Vienna, I am used to dense and dangerous traffic, but Croatia gave me a shock. Road cyclists are pretty rare there, so people are not used to them.
    Prepare to be overtaken with 3 inches left for you.
    I never made it down as far as Dubrovnik. The section of the E65 north of Zadar I used was suprisingly quiet, I assume the bulk of the traffic now takes the motorway (which does not reach as far as Dubrovnik).

    Was on the Zagreb-Split road for a while, first time I've bailed on a road due to traffic. It was bad enough on the bike, but then when I stopped at a cafe and watched exactly what I was dealing with - army trucks, double-deck coaches, HGVs lugging tractors, convoys, all coming both ways with no room to overtake a bike proper, just a single lane A-road basically. I got a room next to the cafe to take stock, it didn't let up all night. Being a squashed rabbit or at best couple of days of crapping yourself, no thanks. You could have a look but have a bail out plan if it ends up as bad as the above.
  • BE1
    BE1 Posts: 27
    The road is single carridgeway the whole way from Dubrovnik all the way up the coast Between Dubrovnik and Split it is the only road and traffic in thesummer season, which starts this weekend is often as bad as described above :shock: .

    Off season, September onwards it is much better. :)

    Also to note Croatia is not so cheap against the pound at the moment as the Kuna is actually appreciating against the Euro and sterling
  • nidgelewis
    nidgelewis Posts: 1
    Hi I have just been riding in the hills above Dubrovnik and, although not comprehensive, they are a good morning or day's riding mostly away from traffic on dirt and sometimes technical tracks. The local tourism industry is barely aware mountain biking exists and thinks MTB=road cyclling when you ask. But here's one decent track I did. about 10% single track road uphill, 50% off-road mostly downhill on a farm track and the rest normal carriageway. The route starts on the E65 main road leading from Dubrovnik to the airport and the beginning of a turnoff from this carriagway that leads to Srd (not signposted!) where the cable car deposits tourists. It's the first propery turnoff after leaving Dubrovnik, as the map shows. Enjoy!
  • Hoopdriver
    Hoopdriver Posts: 2,023
    NoNotAgain wrote:
    Rhods wrote:

    I'm currently planning a tour of the Dalmatia region in Croatia and was wondering if anyone knew what the "E65" road heading North West from Croatia is like? Is it a dual carriageway? Is it fairly safe for cycling on? Any information appreciated.


    Cycling in Croatia on major routes is not for the faint of heart.
    Living in Vienna, I am used to dense and dangerous traffic, but Croatia gave me a shock. Road cyclists are pretty rare there, so people are not used to them.
    Prepare to be overtaken with 3 inches left for you.
    Yes indeed. A very scary prospect. Probably the most unpleasant cycling miles of my life.