chain wheels should I replace like for like

twedspeed Posts: 130
edited June 2009 in MTB workshop & tech
Hi , my drive train is on its way out , thanks I,m glad to say to prolonged and very enjoyable use :D:D:D
I desperatly need to replace my cassette/ chain / big ring & middlering.
I presently run an SHIMANO M760 X.T. Hollowtech ll crank with X.T. cassette and have heard that currently SHIMANO prices are through the roof due to the dollar pound thing ?
My question for "you orrible lot" is ............
is there an alternative to the SHIMANO X.T. stuff , that will be cheeper but as good as the shimano I.E. will fit O/K - work correctly , weigh the same or less ???
I probably know the answer already - but just thought I,d ask .
A guy in the bike shop said an SRAM P.G. 990 casette would be as good as the X.T. but slightly cheeper and sexy red too :shock: :P
as far as the X.T. chainrings go wots my alternatives ,a quick google of X.T. prices throws up £60.00 big-un £35 middle.
Any thoughts ????????????
Please note I replaced my granny already ( x2 )
and I deffo dont want to make my bike heavier .

actually £50 casette
£35 middle
£ 60 big - un
£ 20 chain
= 165 TOTAL I suppose £165 quid is acceptable for another year or two of abuse.
WHYTE LIGHTNING - CARBON S/L - NOMAD anyone see a patern emerging ????????
