Marston Pedigree Marmite

martinwitnam Posts: 439
edited June 2009 in The bottom bracket
Finally got my hands on a jar of this and it is gorgeous!
Only problem is that my better half who happened (did you notice the past tense use of the word happen?) to be a Marmite hater stuck her finger into it and Kerpow....
she converted to a lover! Good God I'm gonna have to fight her for my beloved Marmite. It's bad enough that my kids already steal my toast as I'm eating it! :P

Can we fix it?
Yes we can!


  • Frank the tank
    Frank the tank Posts: 6,553
    Get 'em into Nutella.

    Never thought I'd like it but spread thick on granary toast UMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!
    Tail end Charlie

    The above post may contain traces of sarcasm or/and bullsh*t.
  • martinwitnam
    martinwitnam Posts: 439
    Yeah, they like Nutella as well.
    And peanut butter.
    Then again they just like stealing my toast whatever is on it.
    And it doesn't even stop them if I make them their own toast.

    Can we fix it?
    Yes we can!
  • cycologist
    cycologist Posts: 721
    I've always thought that Marston's Pedigree is overrated. i trust that the same does not apply to this particular by-product.
    Two wheels good,four wheels bad