Is there something going on today?

whyamihere Posts: 7,719
edited June 2009 in The bottom bracket
I was turning right at a fairly busy island earlier and a driver decided to sneak up the right hand side of me, where there really wasn't room. He hit his horn and gave me the finger before putting his foot down and racing off.


  • topcat33
    topcat33 Posts: 57
    I put it down to fat cagers who are unable to satisfy their female, then seeing someone fit cycling along they are overcome by frustration....

    That's my theory, I could be wrong.....
  • Gavin Gilbert
    Gavin Gilbert Posts: 4,019
    On the other hand, I was Time Trialing this morning and a car full of kids cheering me on went past :)
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    I got a bib last night going up Chatham hill by a group of girls, happy days. :P
  • Mettan
    Mettan Posts: 2,103
    topcat33 wrote:
    I put it down to fat cagers who are unable to satisfy their female, then seeing someone fit cycling along they are overcome by frustration....

    That's my theory, I could be wrong.....

    Agreed with that sentiment Top - there's definately a jealousy component with some drivers regards cyclists.
  • passout
    passout Posts: 4,425
    I get this quite a bit - especially on sunny days for some unknown reason.....

    I really can't understand this mindset. Most drivers are fine though.
    'Happiness serves hardly any other purpose than to make unhappiness possible' Marcel Proust.
  • spen666
    spen666 Posts: 17,709
    Jake151 wrote:
    Out on the club ride this morning, all going well about 20mph going good, then we have a car come past us with the driver fully lent on the horn as they go past, then again about 2 mins after from a van, Then again from a car passing us, then again from a car coming the other way!

    something has to be going on today within the driving community

    I cant believe drivers its unbelievable that they think that cyclists don't belong on the road.

    We where not doing anything wrong cycling two a breast on the right side of the road.


    There is the problem

    ~you should have been cycling on the left hand side of the road :twisted:
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  • NWLondoner
    NWLondoner Posts: 2,047
    Car drivers can be a funny lot. Saturday morning I was riding in group and we had no problems whatsoever.

    However on my way home I had trouble clipping into my speedplay pedal and I held a driver up by 2 seconds. Was there really a need for him to blow his horn and then speed off past me. Beeping your horn will NOT make me clipping in any easier!!!!
  • passout
    passout Posts: 4,425
    Some jerk threw what looked like a cake box (Mr Kiplings perhaps) at me last night as I commuted home on the A6. Always groups of lads. Gave him the finger and didn't let it get to me, I'm actually getting used to to it I think!
    'Happiness serves hardly any other purpose than to make unhappiness possible' Marcel Proust.
  • passout
    passout Posts: 4,425
    edited June 2009
    Bakewell tarts I think....
    'Happiness serves hardly any other purpose than to make unhappiness possible' Marcel Proust.
  • NWLondoner
    NWLondoner Posts: 2,047
    You get days like that.

    Most of the time I don't have any problems.

    Although one evening I had a group of guys shouting at me from their car "do you think you in the Tour De France" and I don't think they were being complementary either. Then later on while at traffic lights a women shouted at me "show us your c*ck" :roll:
  • SunWuKong
    SunWuKong Posts: 364
    NWLondoner wrote:
    ... Then later on while at traffic lights a women shouted at me "show us your c*ck" :roll:
    You wait until you're shouted at?
  • whydoesitalwaysrainonme
    edited June 2009
    are you sure one of you didn't have 'honk if you're horny' written on one of your jerseys?
    Ribble Gran Fondo
    Focus Black Hills
    Raleigh Chopper
  • the ferry
    the ferry Posts: 258
    ....just rode past bunch of comp school kids all smiling and one held hand out for 'hand slap'..........happy days :)
  • Richard_D
    Richard_D Posts: 320
    Satisfy yourself when the abusive comments come that usually come from cars with more occupants than Brain cells
  • whyamihere
    whyamihere Posts: 7,719
    Richard_D wrote:
    Satisfy yourself when the abusive comments come that usually come from cars with more occupants than Brain cells
    How many brain cells do cars usually have?
  • Richard_D
    Richard_D Posts: 320
    OK replace the with with a contains. The basic Idea stil holds true. We have all seen cars that the Sum of the IQ of the occupants goes down the more people get in.
    It is always comes back to the old idea of
    Never attribute to Malice what can be attributed to stupidity
  • rolf_f
    rolf_f Posts: 16,015
    I was pushing on up a hill the other week when a chav mobile (Astra) drove past and a lad in the back stuck his head out and shouted 'Pedal' - not sure what else he expected me to do!.......
    Faster than a tent.......
  • will3
    will3 Posts: 2,173
    Rolf F wrote:
    I was pushing on up a hill the other week when a chav mobile (Astra) drove past and a lad in the back stuck his head out and shouted 'Pedal' - not sure what else he expected me to do!.......

    Well if you were' pushing your bike up the hill he was probably taking the p!ss as most cyclists don't have to get off and push that often.
  • nick hanson
    nick hanson Posts: 1,655
    passout wrote:
    Bakewell tarts I think....
    They do say the girls in that area are rather accomodating :wink:
    so many cols,so little time!
  • HonestAl
    HonestAl Posts: 406
    Had my first real experience of vehicle based t*ssers today (ignoring the odd honk of the horn or frenzied rev of an engine as the odd car passes) A couple in a Chelsea tractor passed me as I was going up the hill from Marlow Bottom to Handy Cross. As they drew level the passenger t*sser wound the window down and threw a banana + skin at me. Just underlining the t*sser like nature of the individual, he missed, even though the tractor was about 6 feet away and passing at no more than a couple of miles an hour.

    Bet he felt really proud of himself though eh?
    "The only absolute statement is that everything is relative" - anon
  • mitchgixer6
    mitchgixer6 Posts: 729
    Only had one shouting incident when a baseball capped youth shouted "speccy tw*t"! Not even bike related abuse, but pointing out the fact I have to wear spectacles to correct my vision. Thanks for that.

    I was once hit in the shoulder by an egg thrown by some idiot in a passing car. Was walking at the time. :roll: