
speedwobble Posts: 8
edited June 2009 in Road general
Can anybody recommend suitable tyres (700c/622) for a fixed. I know I can use 'ordinary' road tyres but am I right in thinking that they wouldn't last long on the back due to the braking/skidding effects.


  • Cranks
    Cranks Posts: 129
    Soma everwears, its what the couriers swear by in London apparantly.
    Just got myself some with a red stripe, so far so good.
  • I've got one of the Halo twin-rails courier tyres on the rear of my fixed.
    I bought it primarily because the sales blurb implied it was FOR skidding! 8) :lol:
    *Rock Lobster Team Tig SL (22lb 14oz)
    *C. Late 1950's Fixed Gear
    *1940 Raleigh Dawn Tourist with rod brakes
  • Wooliferkins
    Wooliferkins Posts: 2,060
    I use gatorskins on my fixie commute all year round they wear out no quicker on the fixie than the geared bike.
    Help I'm Being Oppressed
  • Big John
    Big John Posts: 2
    I've been riding fixed now for about a year. How the hell does anyone skid? You lot must have leg muscles like Popeye :shock: