
Longwaydown Posts: 41
Anyone here doing the London to Bournemouth ride on 12th July?

I've entered with a couple of mates and have been trying to get enough training in so as not to need 2 days to do it in! I haven't done a 115 mile ride for many years but 25 mile + rides are pretty easy for me now - it's just the time needed to do longer miles that I struggle with.

If anyone is doing it, I'll be the fat bloke on the black Spesh Allez!


  • Not doing the London to Bournemouth, but planning to cycle from near Oxford to near Bournemouth this weekend. Trouble is, the only roads that go straight down are the primary routes and other A roads. What route does London to Bournemouth take?
  • Gazzaputt
    Gazzaputt Posts: 3,227
    Not doing the London to Bournemouth, but planning to cycle from near Oxford to near Bournemouth this weekend. Trouble is, the only roads that go straight down are the primary routes and other A roads. What route does London to Bournemouth take?

    Look on their website it has a map.

    I'm thinking of this but it's the getting to Wimbledon in the morning.
  • From Oxford, I think there are quite a lot of roads that follow the A34, then when you get to Winchester, yuo can cut across to Romsey, then down through the New Forest as per the London to Bournemouth route on their website.

    Getting to Wimbledon will mean an overnight stay or someone giving you a lift as public transport is not an option that early in the morning. We're probably going to get a lift early from Bournemouth - around 4am I reckon..
  • Entries are now open:

    London2Bournemouth Cycle Sun 11th July 2010

    A 118 mile Cycle Challenge from Wimbledon, London to Bournemouth. Challenging and scenic road route thruough the North & South Downs & the New Forest.

    Start location: Wimbledon Park, Home Park Road. London SW19 7HX

    Start time: 08:00am

    The entry fee is 45.00GBP. Included in this are:

    Food & drink at the start and finish
    Food and drink at 4 feed stations en-route (6-7000 calories)
    Dry kit service
    Medal to all finishers
    Pick-up vehicle for dnf's
    First Aid
    Sign-posted course

    The event is limited to 300 entrants. Online entry. All riders must be 18yrs old by the day of the Cycle.

    Further information: