Cycle Sport haikus

finchy Posts: 6,686
edited June 2009 in Pro race
Well, I bought Cycle Sport today cos it's the first magazine out with a TdF preview, and to my surprise, I find that they've done a haiku for all of the main Tour stars.

For example, Little Schleck's goes like this:

Looks like a small child
Rides up mountains very fast
Likes staring at girls.

Here's mine on another sub-standard edition of Cycle Sport:

What can I say when
I have spent four pounds ten pence
To read this bollox


  • grandad3
    grandad3 Posts: 322
    +1, its getting worse which is prob why i dont buy it often these days.
    'Collapse the Light into Earth'
  • Kléber
    Kléber Posts: 6,842
    You serious? I know sometimes magazines can struggle to fill the pages but that's tragic padding.

    Magazine page is blank
    I need copy
    Japanese poetry time
  • stefrees
    stefrees Posts: 137
    i actually think cycle sport is a great read each month, very pro british with some great articles-the one last month in quaratta and also in the team columbia car for ghent wevelghem was great
  • Moomaloid
    Moomaloid Posts: 2,040
    edited June 2009
    OMG!! Finchy i just came on here to start my own thread on this!! Great minds eh? Or should it be P***ed off minds.

    I should've known better really, i was a fool to think it might be a great issue this month, but if i'm honest i didnt even really look to see it was the tour issue (which i usually never buy), so i hold part of the blame, but COME ON!!!

    Is it me or do all of the features read as though they take a few comments and then pad them out with their own writing. The magazine is always filled with pages of bumpf thats of no interest, funnies that ain funny. its just insulting.

    Ok tour issues are my pet hate anyways, but if you are gonna do it at least put some thought into it. We don't want a WHOLE magazine filled descriptions of each stage, condense it down. This issue even has a pointless two page spread of where last year tour was lost and where each main player was on those stages stage, NO?!

    it such a shame that the only thing good thing about CS now is its compact size, and the way it feels great in your hands. There have been a cpl of recent issues (Quarratta report mentioned was great) that have been quite good, but this one has just confirmed my decision not to waste my £4.10 anymore.

    Trouble is, i read my PC so quickly! But can i just say, PC you nail it EVERY time. Tour issue, great! just an insert with the main mag. A mag that features what every fan wants. Great Rider interviews! I don't wanna be sat on the loo (best place to read as we all know!) flicking through pages of stats..!

    PC team, PLEASE keep up the amazing work... CS, buck up your ideas, listen to your readers, and don't stretch a few days at the Columbia winter training camp so thinly that it gets your through to the tour. Shame on you!!
  • don key
    don key Posts: 494
    5, 7 ,5 is what you strive for

    I psyche my bike
    To Be as Tom who Boonen
    Bust his nostril lust
  • cswebbo
    cswebbo Posts: 220
    Unfortunately CYCLE SPORT has been a kids magazine for some time now, along with their WEAKLY mag. The standard of journalism is very poor. I think its written by students looking for a free loan bike and kit to pose on in South of France.

    At least we have PRO CYCLING for a decent months mag. There is no decent weekly one available. Obviously now we have daily access on the net no-one is going to bother bringing out a competitor mag.
  • finchy
    finchy Posts: 6,686
    I wouldn't mind the haikus if the rest of the magazine were up to scratch. Unfortunately, I spend £4.10, for which price I could nearly buy a decent paperback book, and I've finished reading it after about an hour and a half.

    The journalists don't seem particularly bad, I just wish the editors would say "right, go and write six or sevn pages, really in depth on subject x, y or z."