stolen Iron horse 6 point 4... Aberdeen

Posts: 59
Iron horse 6 point 4 stolen from hardgate on the 11th june at approx 10.20 am... looks like it was a male, regular build, regular height... think i may hav found some very poor quality(hence the vague description) cctv of a male riding it down hardgate... bright yellow. Dont know what to do as i have no insurance and looks like there is no chance of recovery... Bas**rds!
Hi , sorry to hear about your bike. My Cannondale was stolen from Aberdeen a couple of months ago. They have caught the guy who did it i believe, so i am hopeful of getting it back. It is going to court. So have hope and i will keep a look out for it. Take it you have been it touch with Alpine etc.
Regards1996 Marin Team Titanium
2009 Cannondale Rush Carbon 3
Mercedes C55 AMG0 -