Marmotte medical certificate help. Urgent!

on-yer-bike Posts: 2,974
An opportunity to take part has arisen and I need to sort out a medical certificate. Is there a standard form to download or is it just a letter from my doctor saying I am fit enough? I haven't officially entered yet but need to get the certificate sorted out ASAP knowing how long my doctor may take.

Can you enter on the day or anytime before?


  • topcattim
    topcattim Posts: 766
    Can't help with the question about on the day entry, but have pm'd you with my email address - I can send you the entry form with the medical form attached.
  • richa
    richa Posts: 1,632
    Medical Certificate:
    Only required for full entry. If not supllied I believe you enter under a randonneur (untimed/uncategorised) category.

    I think you can enter the day before (at registration in AdH) or even on the morning. However, I am not sure I would wait.
  • guinea
    guinea Posts: 1,177
    Does anyone know if names can be transfered?

    I've a number, but I can't start due to my broken hip.
    APIII Posts: 2,010
    Yes, there were people registering the day before at Alp D'huez. (Think they were being given entry numbers up to 9,500). It will mean you'll be the last group of 3 to go off, but that will be a group of 2,500 or so, so if you get there early you can jostle for position near the front of the pen (actually with 2,500 riders it's less of a pen, more of a village)
  • ...if you go to , there's a link to the marmotte re on line entries and a medical form to download in english!!!

    If you're into climbing its a very good site.......

    Good luck :wink: