Anyone using Mavic R-Sys?


    APIII Posts: 2,010
    Oh dear
  • Gavin Gilbert
    Gavin Gilbert Posts: 4,019
    just read it, I'm worried :?
  • DaSy
    DaSy Posts: 599
    Hmmmmm, I put my SL premiums back on the other day, I think the R-sys's are gonna become wall decoration. This is genuinely concerning, I was pretty easy about the initial recall but this is more worrying, a reliable report from a believable source!

    Not sure I will ever be inclined to ride them again, which is not only a shame as they rode well, but expensive too.
    Complicating matters since 1965
  • pianoman
    pianoman Posts: 706
    This is getting a bit beyond a joke. I use Campag Zondas and even a spoke on THEM has recently broken.

    Is handbuilt really the only way to go?
  • redddraggon
    redddraggon Posts: 10,862
    edited June 2009
    I don't know why people bought them in the first place.

    Look crap
    and not exactly light for the price.
    I like bikes...

  • bobpzero
    bobpzero Posts: 1,431
    im glad i went for the old ksyrium ssc sl, ive been on rumble strip/washboard type roads and the wheels have held up well. i hope a good outcome on mavic's part will be done.
  • James_London
    James_London Posts: 530
    Unbelievable! Some string didn't hold them together?!

    Please form an orderly queue for the Mavic R-SYS Ultimates - all the same negatives, much more expensive (though no official retail price yet) but a little lighter.

    Mavic make some decent - if overpriced - wheels, but they need to drop the spokes for straws idea before they lose all credibility.
  • Pokerface
    Pokerface Posts: 7,960
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Looks like they are taking this incredibly seriously!

    (They should do too!)
  • bendertherobot
    bendertherobot Posts: 11,684
    They raise some good points there. The valve shear is interesting. Chicken and egg though, a failed wheel could cause the tyre to move exposing the tube.
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  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Unbelievable! Some string didn't hold them together?!

    Please form an orderly queue for the Mavic R-SYS Ultimates - all the same negatives, much more expensive (though no official retail price yet) but a little lighter.

    Mavic make some decent - if overpriced - wheels, but they need to drop the spokes for straws idea before they lose all credibility.

    They are supposedly a pound a pair lighter...
  • eh
    eh Posts: 4,854
    I'd like to see a pic of the frame as apparently thats broken as well.

    Initially I thought mavics response made sense but I don't think it does on further thought, so here's my take:

    1) Side loaded spoke(s?) in corner snaps, front becomes "sloppy" which rider notices.

    2) futher surrounding spokes snap resulting in loss of vertical strength

    3) Loss of vertical strenght results in tyre hitting underside of fork and stops bike dead in tracks causing crash.

    4) Resulting forces from the stopped tyre but still rotating rim tears valve off, and the force snaps the remaining intact spokes. Also since the bike (& rider) is now going over, the hub/dropouts don't hit ground (as Mavic suggest it should have done), but instead the handlebars which in turn breaks the frame.
  • Mettan
    Mettan Posts: 2,103
    bobpzero wrote:
    im glad i went for the old ksyrium ssc sl, ive been on rumble strip/washboard type roads and the wheels have held up well. i hope a good outcome on mavic's part will be done.

    Yep, I'm on these aswell - competent wheels.