Ride to the Horns

phreak Posts: 2,941
Signed up for this, anyone else doing it? Anyone do it last year care to tell us what to expect? :)


  • kmc319
    kmc319 Posts: 56
    I live about 20 miles away from the start so I've signed up for it. I can have a nice slow ride to the starting point.

    A good chunk of the route is the same as on the Chiltern 100 which I did a couple of weeks ago. I've done most of the remaining route in the past and there are some good hills. The current C+ describes it well. Never done it all in one go but it looks a good route.

    Just hoping it stops raining before Sunday!
  • phreak
    phreak Posts: 2,941
    I think the forcast is ok for the weekend so fingers crossed.