Cingles du Mont Ventoux

Peacenik Posts: 292
To ascend Mont Ventoux once on a bike is admirable, twice looks like masochism and three times in one day must be sheer madness.

Is anyone doing this ride in early July? I'm trying to film some amateur riders taking part in this Ventuox challenge (for the BBC) and need some willing volunteers who wouldn't mind being filmed on the 8th July.

Feel free to message me with contact details if you are interested.


(phone number on request)
FCN - 3 (hairy-legged roadie)
FCN - 6 (single speed)


  • guinea
    guinea Posts: 1,177
    You might get lucky if a few folks decide to give it a shot after the Marmotte a few days before hand.

    I'll be doing it a little later in the year assuming I get over my current injuries ok. Was planning the Marmotte myself, but a lemming pedestrian has put that on hold for another year.
  • Peacenik
    Peacenik Posts: 292
    By the way you can email me at:
    FCN - 3 (hairy-legged roadie)
    FCN - 6 (single speed)
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  • pneumatic
    pneumatic Posts: 1,989
    You are all insane!

    Fast and Bulbous
    Eddingtons: 80 (Metric); 60 (Imperial)

  • stfc1
    stfc1 Posts: 505
    I'll be in Provence that week, but have no greater ambition than to climb the thing once from Bedoin.

    The club is called the 'fools' of Ventoux for a reason ;-)
  • pauln99
    pauln99 Posts: 76

    i did the cingles ride in May - brilliant day out.

    my report is here ... t-ventoux/

    i also created a little 'tumble log'


  • stfc1
    stfc1 Posts: 505
    pauln99 wrote:

    i did the cingles ride in May - brilliant day out.

    my report is here ... t-ventoux/

    i also created a little 'tumble log'



    Great write-up - almost persuaded me to go for it. Almost.
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  • pauln99
    pauln99 Posts: 76

    the cingles is a tough ride but i would guess that 8 days is enough to recover.

    however, it is a harder ride (in my estimation) than the etape, and therefore might somewhat devalue the etape i think. will you have the mental strength to resist telling anyone that will listen that you climbed ventoux three times the previous week? :-) would you run 3 half marathons around the more glamourous parts of the london marathon a week before the real thing?

    which is not to say the etape doesn't look fantastic. when we covered some of the etape route the following day it was awesome how ventoux kept hoving into view. i wish i'd signed up for it - i'm doing the marmotte this year (again) so the etape felt like an indulgence too far.

    on the flip side, doing the cingles 2 days after the etape would be an "interesting" challenge.

    cheers and apologies that i can't offer more wisdom

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  • Rich-Ti
    Rich-Ti Posts: 1,831
    Doubt I'll get around to it this year, but it's a definite for next year 8)
  • I'm going to give it a go on the 24th of this month.

    I also ask if anyone has done it before what is the correct procedure for stamping the cards? Do I need to get it stamped at the summit 3 times and where abouts do I get it stamped in the 3 towns.

    All advice gratefully received
  • pauln99
    pauln99 Posts: 76
    This card-stamping seems to be a common concern.

    I was also a little apprehensive about this, however it was straightforward on the day.

    We planned

    Bedoin - tourist office
    Malaucene - bike shop
    Sault - tourist office
    Summit - gift shop

    In the end the Sault tourist office was closed, but a bar was happy to oblige. I think the local businesses are pretty clued up so I wouldn't worry too much about this.


  • Sorry to sound daft but I'm thinking that one should stamp the card at first town, then at summit, next town, summit, 3rd town and again summit. I see on the back of the card there is a list of the towns and summits to mark off, do I need to mark the times I arrive at each point or does it get stamped there too?

  • pauln99
    pauln99 Posts: 76
    You only need one stamp at the summit.

    You can see my completed copy here.


  • Kléber
    Kléber Posts: 6,842
    Once is enough. You should get a card and a piece of paper with the rules, read them. I can't remember if they are in French and English but if it's just French use something like Google Translator if in doubt, the rules are on the Cingle website too.
  • Thanks for that, I have the sheet with the rules but haven't translated them, most of which I got the gist of. I think I'll stamp at each of the towns and the summit at the end.
