takethehighroad Posts: 6,834
edited June 2009 in The bottom bracket
Does anybody use this website?

I've been thinking about it for a while and I'm not sure because I can't work out how they make money. By that account I don't wanna give them my bank details to find out it's a monthly fee which I probably won't make the most of.

What I want ideally is a service where I can pay a nominal amount when I want a DVD, watch it in my own time and send it back, which is what attracted me in the first place that there's no late fees.

Any help will be appreciated :)


  • alfablue
    alfablue Posts: 8,497
    I used them for a few months.

    It was good to be able to get more obscure films and tv series. You don't always get what you want in the right order though.

    They make their money probably because many people, like me, keep paying every month whilst interest and film rental tails off (after I'd seen everything I wanted). New films are likely to require a considerable wait.

    After you cancel you get frequent offers to sign up again. Some have found cancellation difficult, but I didn't.

    I think it is a reasonable service for what you get, but I didn't make enough use of it. Plenty of outdoor stuff to do instead, maybe better for the winter.
  • I think it's a great service. And great value compared to smoething such as SKy.

    I don't use it anymore (back living with parents at the mo who have a sky sub), but I was really impressed with it. We had a post box at the end of the road, so on my way to work I just put the videos in there after they'd been watched.

    You need to get the 2 dvd at a time one though...

    Do the months free trial, and if you don't use it remember to cancel it. - Design-Led home furniture and accessories.
  • pneumatic
    pneumatic Posts: 1,989
    We've been using it for years at chateau pneumatic. One film at a time. They've got everything and, once you've exhausted all the movies you can possibly think of, you can move on to TV series.

    It is uncanny, though, the number of times we have watched a film that came through the door only to discover that it is on the next night on ITV3!

    In the end, you do get less urgent about sending them back, and their profits start to go up as the costs to them go down.

    To get you started, just put the following on your list:

    Jour de Fete
    A Sunday in Hell
    Spaced (series 1&2)
    Spirited Away

    Be adventurous.

    Fast and Bulbous
    Eddingtons: 80 (Metric); 60 (Imperial)

  • schlepcycling
    schlepcycling Posts: 1,614
    Have been using it for about 6 months, went for the 'pay as you go' option whereby you buy a bunch of credits which get used up each time they send a DVD, rather than the monthly subscription as my wife and I don't religiously watch stuff just every now and again. This way is a bit more expensive but it also means we don't feel under pressure to rent films just to justify a subscription.

    You manage your film list and by setting the next film you want from the list as your only high priority item you can always guarantee that it will be the next film you get.

    Also I believe that they've started renting out pc and console games on a similar system.

    Overall I think it's an excellent service.
    'Hello to Jason Isaacs'
  • Porgy
    Porgy Posts: 4,525
    I've just got an email from Lovefilm reminding me that I've been with them three years.

    But I do not have digital tv and generally i get through about 3 dvds a week. I am still on a special offer they had in the early days where you can get 3 dvds for the price of 2.

    There's a facility onsite for making multiple lists and assigning however many of your dvds to each list - so i've got one on horror / sci fi type stuff, one on mainstream releases and one on television programmes.

    After three years my list of films is still getting bigger - up to about 600 now. I don;t see how you could ever run out of stuff to watch.

    also there's a facility for having payment holidays - which i tend to use through the summer months when i don;t get chance to watch so many films.

    As someone said ealrier - it's a lot cheaper than Sky.
  • Pokerface
    Pokerface Posts: 7,960
    I use them. 3 films at a time option.

    Great service and although I have to sometimes wait for a specific film, generally I get the ones I want, when I want. Plus they send me Blue-Ray films which is a real bonus.

    Almost seen everything I want to see now, so may take a 'holiday' from my subscription and let the list build up again.

    Worth it if you don't go to the cinema often and have a backlog of films you want to watch - and have the time to watch them.
  • edhornby
    edhornby Posts: 1,741
    we have a lovefilm account - the missus used to have a 2 films at the same time as many in a month as you want and it was about £10 a month but we weren't getting through them fast enough so we dropped it right down to the 3 in one month one at a time option and this is fine

    they have all kinds of things although sometimes they have only one or a few copies of certain film so sometimes you'll wait for ages unless you bump the priority

    also keep the list up to date otherwise stuff thats been on telly then comes through the door !

    there have been some things that came through the post and both me and mrs Ed have both said 'who put that on the list ????'

    good service though, can't complain really
    "I get paid to make other people suffer on my wheel, how good is that"
    --Jens Voight
  • I have been a member for five years and have not come close to exhausitng the films that I woudl like to see. The order-it-on-the-web, they-mail-it-to-you service is so fast and efficient, it takes your breath away. The ability now to rent tv series is also brilliant. But best of all, you don't end up with a house full of dvds - or indeed videos - that you have no interest in watching again and only keep because your rather resent how much you paid for them in the first place.
