epic events roses round sportive

anyone entering the roses round sportive on the 14june, im doing the 75 mls, but thinking of changing to the 35 as i seem to find anything over 60 mls very tiring, trouble is there is no entry list on the epic events site and after many emails i get no reply


  • emjayjay
    emjayjay Posts: 39

    i posted this the other day...Clitheroe Sportive

    think i'm gonna do the 35 mile one...
  • If you can I'd do the 75 - the 35 is a bit of a non-event. You do the first big climb, which is great, then stop for cake in Settle then it's a sort of insignificant (albeit pretty) wimble back to Tosside. Do the 75 miler and take your time. If you can manage 60 you'll find the 35 miler a bit limited imho.
  • emjayjay
    emjayjay Posts: 39
    furthest i've ridden so far is around 50 miles, not sure if i'll last 75 miles! what do you think?
  • I think if you take your time and eat properly you'll be fine.
  • emjayjay
    emjayjay Posts: 39
    deffo gonna do the 35 mile one, due to family commitments on the day.

    just about to sign up now.

    anyone else doing this?