Blackpool Sportive

Is anyone else doing this? The start sheet only has 100 names on it at the moment,

Im down to do it, but it will be hard with so few people


  • Red GT
    Red GT Posts: 40
    I’m in!

    I’m really looking forward to it, my in-laws live in the area so I’ve done the route a few times already and it is BEAUTIFUL. Hopefully there will be an increase in numbers but even with a few hundred I'm sure it will still work – I promise to do my share at the front!
  • Good good, how hard is the route? I just did the Etape Cal and was shocked how easy the climbs actually turned out to be.
  • Red GT
    Red GT Posts: 40
    The most significant climb is steeper but shorter than the Schiehallion. Depending on riding style and gearing you may be out of the saddle for a while but it will be done and dusted in less than 10 mins, the worst you can expect is a short section of 16%(ish). There are a couple of other rolling sections with great descents but in general I was surprised at how flat the course was.

    Hopefully this event will be tack free!
  • Thanks!
  • If this is the one I've just googled it's the day before the Pendle Pedal, which goes over some of the same roads - seems odd they'd have 2 sportives in a similar area on one weekend - although maybe they're hoping to get some people doing both?
  • andy_wrx
    andy_wrx Posts: 3,396
    It is very strange that they're doing the two on consecutive days
    - I know Pendle council put money into the Pendle Pedal and Blackpool council will be putting money into this new one, but won't Lancs council or NorthWest Development Agency be involved in both ?

    I've done Pendle Pedal before and know it's a very well organised event - but pretty tough.

    This one will be considerably easier, because it's only 85 miles total and has to get across 20 or 30 miles of flat Fylde plain from Blackpool before it gets anywhere hillier, and same on the way back, so that doesn't leave a lot of climbing...

    This one is £29.50, PP is £26 this year (was great value at only £20 last year !)
  • Anyone else?
  • jonah1
    jonah1 Posts: 27
    Am i right in thinking this is the Rapha sportive and has the Rapha nocturne series in the evening.
  • yeah same thing, one b4 the other