
edited May 2009 in Road beginners
I went out for my first ride for probably 20 years, I was shocked at how poor my fitness level is now.
According to my new Garmin 705.....My 10.5Km ride took 34mins to was a good job I forgot to wear my heart rate monitor, as I may have phoned an ambulance.
I can not remember wobbly, jelly legs and purple face 20 years
However the Garmin impressed me and it was fun to see my route map appear on Google earth later.
On a positive note ....... at least I can improve on my fitness.... :) and Garmin will let me train against the same route with a pretend training partner...... am I going mad.....cycling on my own with pretend friends???
Anyone Close?


  • guilliano
    guilliano Posts: 5,495
    Nope, you have gone truly mad. The fact that you have now got imaginary friends that you were introduced to by a GPS was the final straw
  • tmg
    tmg Posts: 651
    You should be sectioned. But before you are let me have your 705 so I can join the same imaginery world, I hate other people so I would be my perfect riding partner :)
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Here, have a cup of tea and a hob nob.

    Heh heh, good effort mate! Good to see another person back out on the bike and enjoying themselves.
  • Stewie Griffin
    Stewie Griffin Posts: 4,330
    NapoleonD wrote:
    Here, have a cup of tea and a hob nob.

    Heh heh, good effort mate! Good to see another person back out on the bike and enjoying themselves.

    +1, my first ride after 20 years was about 6 or 7 miles, everything hurt and I thought I had just wasted a lot of money on a white elephant. Am glad I didnt have a HRM for that ride though.
  • HonestAl
    HonestAl Posts: 406
    I got pretty worried the first time I used my 705 / HR. Early on in the ride there's a bit of a hill and I was horrified to see my heart rate going up and up. 150, 160, 170, 180,.... I decided to get off at 210, amazed that I wasn't feeling like I was going to collapse and die.

    Then I realised I was reading distance in miles rather than heart rate. Must get some new contact lenses.... :roll:

    BTW this is sad but true
    "The only absolute statement is that everything is relative" - anon
  • chuckcork
    chuckcork Posts: 1,471
    I went out for my first ride for probably 20 years, I was shocked at how poor my fitness level is now.
    According to my new Garmin 705.....My 10.5Km ride took 34mins to was a good job I forgot to wear my heart rate monitor, as I may have phoned an ambulance.
    I can not remember wobbly, jelly legs and purple face 20 years

    Why would anything else be expected after 20 years?
    'Twas Mulga Bill, from Eaglehawk, that caught the cycling craze....
  • v.e.e
    v.e.e Posts: 46
    Honest Al I did a similar thing, not with a Garmin though (sadly) just a £6.99 bike computer off Ebay. I thought I was doing jolly well riding at an average speed of 24 mph on my first proper ride...............with glasses on later I discovered that it was kph.......... not so good.
  • Dunkeldog
    Dunkeldog Posts: 138
    Heh, v.e.e. - glad I'm not the only one to get my mph and kph mixed up. For one magic moment I thought 'I'm up with the pros at this speed!'. Then reality bit. Have to say, whilst computers are brilliant for keeping that competitive edge up they can become a bit too all-consuming. Sometimes I like to go out without it - that way I can simply enjoy a spin without inadvertantly keeping one eye on split times and finding myself wanting to put the hammer down when I can sniff a pb for the route.
  • kingrollo
    kingrollo Posts: 3,198
    Im worried now - a regular cyclist for 20 years - I d be chuffed with 34 minutes !!!!!!
  • HonestAl
    HonestAl Posts: 406
    v.e.e glad to hear I'm not the only one who can get it not quite right. I was pretty amazed that for a bloke of my age I'd not keeled over on the roadside though what with my heart rate being higher than a kite.
    I wondered about putting KPH instead of MPH on the display so I could go more quickly and realised I'd have to travel farther to achieve it :shock:
    "The only absolute statement is that everything is relative" - anon