Freiburg report

PHIAN Posts: 15
edited May 2009 in Pro race
What implications do you think this report will have particularly for Kloden (who astana are standing the moment..) and what authority would a university 'paper' carry? Carbon Cycle Components


  • My guess is that Kloden will be calm, his lawyers will deny it all and try to get him off and he'll end up in a non-riding limbo the like of which he is totally used to....
    PHIAN Posts: 15
    I'm sure you're right. Like I say, the paper is a from a Uni, what authority would that carry? Cue long drawn out investigation with no end in sight.... ring any bells? Carbon Cycle Components
  • andyp
    andyp Posts: 10,485
    We've already had a thread on this;

    The paper isn't "from a Uni", rather an independent commission consisting of three medical experts was asked to investigate the roles of Dr. Andreas Schmid and Dr. Lothar Heinrich in organised doping whilst both were employed by Freiburg University.
  • dave_1
    dave_1 Posts: 9,512
    nobpody saw him there or go there other than pat & gf he can deny and query it all he independent witness or cctv pics, or his name on invoices etc... other than a parcel of vit c he says, his lawyer will say...klodi will get away with it