best hi-vis

tozi1 Posts: 119
edited May 2009 in Road beginners
Got a nasty shock when a coach went by at 50 plus,the road was good and wide,but i honestly don't think he saw me,the wind was in my face,so I didn't hear him coming-must have missed me by inches-put the fear of god in me anyway,so i wondered what would be the best hi-vis-i was looking at the respro waistcoat- any thoughts?


  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    I have an Altura one, hi-vis, cheap.

    Won't make any difference to coaches going by you within inches though...
  • Stone Glider
    Stone Glider Posts: 1,227
    +1 for cheap Hi-vis, they work best when fresh and clean; so replace @ frequent intervals.

    Sadly, coach drivers are highly skilled at judging the width of their vehicles. Few seem to appreciate that althugh they will miss you, they will blow you dideways with their speed, proximity and the "wall" affect of the flat side of the coach. Or maybe they do and just don't care. Anyhoo the experience of being passed closely and at speed is profoundly unpleasant.

    There is also the suction effect of the swift passage of such a large beast through the air at such close proximity. Scary!
    The older I get the faster I was
  • simon_e
    simon_e Posts: 1,707
    If you don't mind the loose fit and flapping just get a Dickies workwear vest or something from a builder's merchant / HSS Hire type place for £5. If Aldi have any left, the yellow ultralight jacket is great at £13. A colleague bought one last year and she thinks it's fab. I can attest to her visibility, it can burn my retina from a mile away if I see her on the way to work. :wink:

    I have noticed that on country lanes with hedges dull coloured jersey or jackets are dreadful. Dark blue, green or black blends into the hedges etc far too easily. If they are driving into the sun or in reduced visibillty (dull, misty weather or a dirty/rain-splattered windscreen) it's even worse. Bright red, orange, yellow or white are much better. Bright colours on your top half are much more effective than lower down. I quite fancy a rucksack cover, high up and not partially obscured if you're a backpack-wearer.
    Aspire not to have more, but to be more.
  • tozi1
    tozi1 Posts: 119
    thanks for the comments-i will certainly check aldi's for the ultralight.3 or 4 years ago i used to wear an old fashioned sam brown reflective belt which at least made me look like a police motorcyclist-it fell into disuse after i got my lovely new i want a portable force field that handily leaves a non-removable,dayglo outline of a cyclist permanently stamped on any vehicle that passes closer than say a metre-ho hum.
  • hitthewall
    hitthewall Posts: 114
    +1 for the Aldi lightweight. Got one last Thursday and wore it this evening in the rain. As well being visible it did a good job of keeping me dry. Good value and does pack very small for carrying in a jersey pocket.
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    JJB do cheap Fluo Gilets. I'd also get a Smart Superflash rear LED for dull days.