Tour of Ireland Cycle challenge 2009

ericonabike Posts: 73
Have just spent the day recovering from this mega-sportive, and wanted to spread the word about it! After 1000 km distance and and 12,000m of climbing over five days, typing is about the only physical effort I can manage.

This was an exceptional event. Around 120 riders, split into 3 [later 4] groups, ranging from superhard to rather more soft-centred riders. Whatever your ability, all were welcomed and the organisation was superb - each night we stayed in the best hotel the location had to offer after being escorted through Ireland's most spectacular scenery by motor cycle outriders and police bikes.

The price of 800 Euros had seemed high at first, especillay when the pound plummeted, but it included absolutely everything - the only extra was the Guinness. After looking at this years' Etape thread, where a self-drive package seems to average about £600, it is absolutely stunning value!

As for the weather - well, it was Ireland. We had all four seasons over the five days, and the wind was resolutely against us all the way. But clothes dry and extremities warm up...And the last day was our taste of summer, as we sprinted/grunted [delete as appropriate] over the Wicklow mountains.

This year's event didn't seem to get much publicity over here, but it looks as though it's still on for 2010. So if you fancy a proper challenge and some genuine Irish hospitality, give it a go. And thanks to everyone behind the event, especially Killian for the superb job he made of signing the 1,000 km route [especially from those of us who got dropped now and again...]
PS - In September 2010 I’ll be cycling 900 miles from the East Midlands to the Med for cancer research. To find out more about Mids2Med 2010, or to make a donation, visit


  • sbaywatch
    sbaywatch Posts: 17
    I can second that. It was a hard 5 days cycling but very enjoyable. Best organised event I have ever done and so many highlights. Road marking was first class and pot holes clesarly marked throughout the whiole course. I think the orrganisers have missed a trick somewhere as there should be more people doing this event in my opinion. Perhaps its the cost however I thought it was good value. The hotels were first class.

    Couple of negatives. The triuck with our bikes at the start was delayed and we were rushing about just before the start checking the bike. Also at the end we were hanging around for ages for our onward journey,

    However I'm sure they will work on this and these issues aside it really was a fantastic 5 days and a big challenge. The peiple of Ireland really seemed to take to the event in a way which the UK wouldnt.

    Day 5's 105 miles over Wicklow mountains was as tough as any single day sportiff.

    The organisers couldnt do enough for you !!!!!
  • Lads glad you enjoyed our jolly around the old sod.
    I actually think the fifth day may have put people off .As the speed of group 4 was above that at the back in 08. I think the no. of riders at the lower levels had dropped rather than those in Groups 1,2 and 3. 4 riders who had ridden in group 4 in 08 had all upped it for this year to groups 2 and 3.Overall the organisation was on a par with 08 although the getting away probs on the final day were a repeat of last year.I really hope it survives as itsa very special event..
    Go neiri on bothar leat.
  • cmjm
    cmjm Posts: 2
    Another satisfied customer here. Well organised, great craic and excellent value - though I realise that not everybody can afford either the 800 euro or the time off work.

    I also agree both that the fifth day might have deterred some people and that the standard had risen since last year. The front men probably weren't any faster, but there were many fewer weak cyclists present, and group three this year was pretty much as fast as group two the year before. However, people shouldn't be misled into thinking this is just for the hard core, it's a really enjoyable, sociable event.

    If it continues, and according to the website they intend that it should, I think everyone who enjoys riding in sportives should make a point of doing this event at least once. It really is in a different class.
  • vanleapo
    vanleapo Posts: 150
    Check out the short video clip on youtube. I can't wait for the DVD. You can even watch it in HD.
    Tearfund Tour of Scotland 26th May to 1st June 2013
  • bahzob
    bahzob Posts: 2,195
    Hear hear to all the above. TOI is a special event for amateur cyclists. No other that I am aware of offers the same combination of challenge, scenery + on and off road support. (On road including the great attitude of the Irish..)

    Also would agree with view that it represents good value for money considering what you get.

    Its all in, everything is supplied in plenty of quantity and good quality. As an e.g. I did the event with a friend who was keeping off the booze and he realised on last day that he had barely spent a single euro. Flights are on top but if booked in advance can get them for free, just paying taxes. (Only downer this year was finish was a bit anti-climatic, but easy fix, one in 2008 was fine.)

    Other unique thing about the event is that you know, in advance, you will be riding with others who will support you regardless of your ambitions.
    - If you fancy yourself as a racer try sticking with the lead group. No other sportive I know of guarantees a ride with someone of the quality of Jamie Burrow.
    - At the other extreme some will just want to finish and survive. I spent the last 1/2 day in the broom wagon (for reasons beyond control) and was genuinely inspired by the camaraderie and commitment of the last group. While I had the utmost respect for the small group at the front who stuck the pace with Jamie for 5 days running I had even more for the guys/gals at the back.

    For many the TOI will represent the ultimate in terms of cycling challenge, its certainly tougher than the Marmotte/Etape and is more comparable with raid Pyreneen/LEJOG. However its quite different from both of these and as such is unique. I very much hope it continues and urge all those who haven't yet done it to give it some consideration for 2010.
    Martin S. Newbury RC
  • Re the Broom Wagon :D
    The Red Bus is special in its own way but Mick Lawless is a Legend.I had a very bad day into Sligo and he was greatAnd everyday after that he would ask how I got on as I had got back up to group 3.
    I rode the Wicklow 200 yesterday and met many Toi 09ers but also a fair number of 08ers whose first question was how had I got on. Not sure how some knew I was back this year but thats the thing. Once you have ridden it theres a comradeship formed with all who have. Maybe its time for a Toi cc cap like they give on they give to Men of the RAS :lol:
    Go neiri on bothar leat.
  • Is this ride on in 2010?
    It\'s not about where you are going, it's about what you leave behind.
  • nolf
    nolf Posts: 1,287
    i would love to do this event but am always unsure how my body will cope with a week of cycling that far.

    I've got gold in some sportives, but the next day am usually quite tired!
    Would love a ridiculous challenge for 2010 as a season target, sounds like an epic experience.

    What kind of riding level are you guys at?
    How many long rides/times?
    "I hold it true, what'er befall;
    I feel it, when I sorrow most;
    'Tis better to have loved and lost;
    Than never to have loved at all."

    Alfred Tennyson
  • There's no word yet. Joe Barr organiser has just won the Round Ireland Endurance race and his support crew was the whole gandg who help out with TOI. I reckon they will all need a good rest. You could check the site and sent an email to the contact and ask

    @Nolf if I can survive 2 of these anyone capable of gold on a Sportive can. I've averaged 15/16 mph on the 2 years

    :shock: Things not looking good when Website has gone off line. :cry:
    Go neiri on bothar leat.
  • bahzob
    bahzob Posts: 2,195
    Hope it happens 2010. Just to reinforce quality of the event, Joe Barr isnt the only one who's been winning things.

    Jamie Burrow won the Maratona dles Dolomites back in July

    It was a pleasure and privilege to ride in his company (for some of the time at least) in the event this year and the chance for an everyday rider like me to do so is another factor that makes this event special.
    Martin S. Newbury RC
  • Does anyone know whether we will be getting a DVD of this years race. As part of the entry fee we should be getting one but nothing yet and looks like everyone has gone AWOL so can't even email any of them to ask?
  • bahzob
    bahzob Posts: 2,195
    Dont know. Can say though that last year it was the same, no news then unannounced DVD dropped on the doormat start November.

    It was worth waiting for though, very well edited and great souvenir. Way better than others I've had which are just a dreary series of shots of cyclists going past fixed points on a course to the sound of spandex rock.

    Bit typical of the event as a whole really. Content is top rate, probably best of any event I've done. Could really do with some better marketing though.
    Martin S. Newbury RC
  • There is a trailer on Youtube thats been up a while but as said we were asking the same questions last year.
    Go neiri on bothar leat.
  • Sad to say it is def not going ahead in 2010. :(
    Go neiri on bothar leat.
  • bahzob
    bahzob Posts: 2,195
    Shame, while there are lots of sportives the event is/was unique, :cry:
    Martin S. Newbury RC
  • Guys
    Paul the guy who had the crash on Galway to Kilkenny stage( Seat Post Broke) is looking for anyone who may have been near him at the time. Who can shed some light on what happened.
    If anyone is willing to help can you PM me
    Go neiri on bothar leat.
  • think my riding partner on the tour saw it, not sure if he gets on here much, will direct him towards it.
    i'll ride anything, but I prefer carbon.......... she screamed!!