Route Vic to Manresa, Catalonia Espana?

SteveA-OH Posts: 7
edited May 2009 in Tour & expedition

We are looking for a route from Vic to Manresa (actually from the Vic-Sau Parador NE of Vic to near Suria or Callus [to the West of Manresa]). How much traffic is on the C-141 road? We are considering using portions of this road. We'd rather use lesser roads if they are available (preferably paved). Any rough suggestions are greatly appreciated (town names, major road names etc. - we don't require turn by turn and km by km directions [although we will use them if provided]).

Any help is greatly appreciated. The riding would be on a Wednesday and Thursday.



  • megilleland
    megilleland Posts: 786
    You mention the N-141. This road is a more open and faster route for traffic with long sections of straight road. You also have to pass over the Coll de la Pollosa (918m over 8km) with a sharp pull up from Tona (595m). I would suggest either the two routes below. They both track the C-25 for 11km of the routes so there may be a little more noise from this road which runs in the valley bottom.

    Parador de Sau (600m) to Tavernoles (537m) on the BV-5213 in 10km join C-153 to Vic (487m) town centre - head for cathedral. Cross river and leave Vic on the BV-4316. Pass through Sentfores (470m), Santa Eualia de Riuprimer (568m) to Collet de Can Galleda (866m highest point over 14km from Vic). Descend to join C-59. Turn right and in 1km join B-4313 towards Santa Maria d'Olo (544m). Just before Avinyo (353m) turn onto BV-4512 and then BV-4511 to Santpedor (320m) and Callus (260m), then C-55 to enter Suria (281m). Total distance 71kms.

    Another route is to pass through Avinyo (the road number changes to BP-4313), Balsareny (327m), Argensola (500m) to arrive at Suria. This route does away with the need to cycle on the C-55 (only 3 kms) to enter Suria. Total distance 76kms.

    All roads are good and scenery excellent. Send me a PM and I will forward the detailed routes.
    The more you spend - the faster you go - the less you see.