Tyre beading

Danielsan Posts: 35
edited May 2009 in MTB workshop & tech
Ok, probably a very simple answer but could anyone tell me/point me towards a guide to tyre beading?

For example, what's the difference between folding and wire beading and why does this affect the cost?

Thanks in advance.


  • Mr Wu
    Mr Wu Posts: 1,238
    You can whack folding tyres in your bag just in case!

    I always carry one round with me. You try and cram a beaded one in your bag!
  • Danielsan
    Danielsan Posts: 35
    Knew there was a simple answer! Cheers Mr Wu.

    Seems like a big price jump between the folding and wired beading though. I've never had an issue with a tyre whilst out on a ride, obviously not hitting it hard enough!
  • Mr Wu
    Mr Wu Posts: 1,238
    Im not sure its the only reason for the price hike mind! haha

    I would never buy another beaded tyre.

    You dont have to spend a fortune to get a decent folding tyre, i brought some spesh pro tyres from Rutlands, two for ten quid, fitted them the other day and there ace.
  • The Big Cheese
    The Big Cheese Posts: 8,650
    In a lot of cases they are also lighter
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    Yep , upto 100g lighter per tyre. For a few extra quid. Remember that nextime you think about a Thomson stem...